Friday 16 August 2013

FG Offers ASUU N30bn, Asks Lecturers To Make Sacrifices And Resume Work

An end may be in sight for the lingering strike of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, as the Federal Government is said to be offering N30 billion as earned allowances to the striking university lecturers.
According to a top official of the Federal Ministry of Education, due to the dwindling revenue base of the government, it was ready to offer N30 billion to the striking lecturers to end the strike.
The official believes government’s position is a sincere approach in ending the strike amid dwindling revenue profile occasioned by oil theft and macro-economic measures aimed at diversifying the economy.
All the demands of the striking lecturers had been resolved except one, the issue of ‘earned allowances’, which they have put at N87 billion.
The N30 billion, which the federal government was offering, according to the source, was in the conviction that considering the nation’s current revenue base, ASUU would make some sacrifices and go back to work in the interest of the students and the country at large.
The source added that the government was desirous of a holistic and sustainable solution to the problems bedeviling the entire education sector, with a focus on infrastructure development, which the federal government had set up the Governor Gabriel Suswam-led University Needs Implementation Committee to handle.
The NEEDS Implementation Committee had announced on Tuesday, that N100 billion would be made available to universities for infrastructure development.

Scott Disick Proven To Be The Father Of Kourtney Kardashian‘s Son

Ole’ boy caught a break. He was three seconds away from Lamar and Kanye giving him that work for claiming he raw dogged Kourtney.

According to Radar Online

Scott Disick was just proved to be the father of Kourtney Kardashian‘s son, but the man who claims Mason Disick could be his child doesn’t buy the results, exclusively telling he believes the paternity test “could have been fixed.”
“We don’t trust the results and believe it could have been fixed,” a spokesperson for male model Michael Girgenti told Radar.
“Still going to court to fight for court ordered results.”
On Thursday lab results were released showing that Scott is indeed Mason’s father — but Michael plans to follow through with the paternity lawsuit he filed earlier this month in which he claims he had “unprotected vaginal sex” with the reality TV star in March 2009 at his Glendale, Calif. apartment — at the climax of which he “ejaculated inside [her] vagina” — the court docs state.
However, Kourtney had hoped the recent paternity test would put the case to rest.
“After three-and-a-half years of rumors and lies being spread by an individual I met briefly at a photo shoot, I am setting the record straight that Scott is Mason’s father,” she told E! News on Thursday.
“While it saddens me to have to address these ridiculous lies—especially when the truth was never in doubt—this story must be put to rest.”

Iranian Councilor Banned For Being Too séxy

It was barely 4 months ago that 3 men were deported for being too handsome and now despite promises made by Iran's new President, Hassan Rowhani, that women's civil rights will improve under his government, a city councilor has been barred from office for being "too séxy"
Nina Siakhali Moradi was prevented from taking up a post on the city council in Qazvin, the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, 100 miles north west of Tehran, after her election was overturned by religious conservatives.

Even with more than 10,000 votes in the June election, putting her 14th out of 163 candidates and winning her a council seat, the 27-year-old engineer and website designer had her political career cut short because she was deemed too attractive to take up the post.

"We don't want a catwalk model on the council," a senior official in Qazvin told local press.

Moradi ran under the slogan "Young ideas for a young future," pushing for better women's rights in Qazvin, the restoration of the old city and greater youth involvement in town planning.

She had been vetted and approved as a candidate by Iran's judiciary and intelligence services.

Her liberal views appeared popular with the electorate. Moradi's campaign posters showed her wearing strict hijab without a strand of hair on display.

Despite this, conservative religious groups launched protests to demand her disqualification as soon as her election was confirmed.

In a letter to the governor of Qazvin, a coalition of religious groups condemned the "vulgar and anti-religious" posters and said they breached Islamic law.

News website IranWire reported that there were other objections to her campaign. According to the website, her headquarters became a gathering place for local young people, whose behavior and clothing provoked criticism from her opponents, mostly older conservative men.

The complaint was challenged but ultimately upheld. She was disqualified for not "observing the Islamic norms."

Citing local media, IranWire reported that authorities had also confiscated the campaign posters of two other female candidates, Maryam Nakhostin-Ahmadi and Shahla Atefeh, and detained both for questioning.

President Rowhani is expected to bring a new era in women's rights. In a televised debate during his election campaign, he announced: "I will form a women's affairs ministry to return their trampled rights to them."

ASUU strike: Students Take To ‘Ragging’

As the strike embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, entered its sixth week, some students have devised “ingenious” means of making money; they declared Wednesday their “rag-day”.
As early as 8:45am, major inter-city roads and streets were literally overtaken by the students, who have been on “forced vacation”, since university lecturers “lowered their pens”, to press home enhancement of allowances.
With their shorts, tops and trousers turned, the young Nigerians approached motorists stocked in traffic as well as passers-by, for money. Though, the “rag-day” was said to be by students of College of Education, ‘Inside FCT’ was told that most of those “ragging” are undergraduates, who have been out of school, since the ongoing strike started.
The university students were said to have taken advantage of the development, to help themselves. One of the students, who gave her name simply as Sindy said: “Seriously, I’m an undergraduate and you know our universities have been on strike for over one month now, and we’ve got needs to meet.
I have to rag at least to make some cool money to keep on keeping on”, she said. Another student, Moses Abahing, said they had to do this, since “some parents and guardians hardly give them pocket money, during strike or holiday periods.”

Cameroon's President Orders Pentecostal Churches Closed

Yaounde, Cameroon (CNN) -- Cameroon's President Paul Biya has ordered the closure of nearly 100 Christian churches in key cities, citing criminal practices organized by Pentecostal pastors that threaten the security of the West African nation.
But Pentecostal pastors said the move is evidence of Biya's insecurity about the churches' criticism of the government.

Biya is using the military to permanently shut down all Pentecostal church denominations in the nation's capital, Yaounde, and the North West Regional capital, Bamenda, which have the largest Christian populations in Cameroon.

More than 50 churches have now been closed, with the government targeting nearly 100 in eight other regions.

"We will get rid of all the so-called Christian Pentecostal pastors who misuse the name of Jesus Christ to fake miracles and kill citizens in their churches. They have outstretched their liberty," Mbu Anthony Lang, a government official in Bamenda, told CNN Wednesday.

Nearly 500 Pentecostal churches operate in Cameroon, but fewer than 50 are legal, he added.

On Sunday, a 9-year-old Christian girl collapsed and died during a prayer session in Winners' Chapel, a Pentecostal church in Bamenda. The girl's mother, Mih Theresa, told CNN Wednesday that the pastor intended to cast out the numerous demons that were in control of her daughter's life.

"I want the government to stop these pastors who use mysterious powers to pull Christians and kill then for more powers. All my children have ran away from the Catholic Church in search for miracles, signs and wonders," she told CNN while holding back tears.

Another Christian, Mveng Thomas, said his marriage ended abruptly when a Pentecostal pastor ordered his wife to dissolve their union. He said the pastor described him as "an unrepentant devil."

Pastors marched against the government's decision Wednesday in Bamenda and Douala. Pastors said the Biya government sees the mass proliferation of churches as a threat.

Boniface Tum, a bishop of the Christian Church of God in Yaounde, said that Biya, who has been president since 1982, is becoming insecure about the freedom of speech within these churches.

"Authorizing only the Catholic, Presbyterian, Baptist, Muslim, and a few other churches, is a strict violation of the right to religion," Tum added.
Targeted Pentecostal Christians in Bamenda are transforming their private homes into churches.

North West Regional governor Adolphe Lele L'Afrique said Wednesday that police had discovered the abduction of 30 children under age 18 by a pastor in Bamenda. The pastor said he wanted to remove the children from a bad society, Lele added.

Government officials also say that some pastors convince congregants that they do not need professional medical treatment for their ailments.

"How can a pastor say the sick needs no medical doctor? We need sanity in our Christian lives," Nyang Blaise, a youth leader for Biya's ruling party, CPDM, told CNN.
One woman said her mother was refusing cancer treatments because of her pastor.

"My mother's condition is worsening after doctors confirmed she had cancer. She is dying silently, and yet we cannot persuade her to see a doctor for proper treatment, against her pastor's wish," Deborah Tanyi said.

SAD: 17 Year Old Boy Kills Himself Over Blackmail [FULL STORY]

A teenager has killed himself after he became the victim of a webcam blackmail plot.
Daniel Perry, 17, from Dunfermline, Fife, took his own life after a Skype conversation with someone he believed to be a girl the same age as him.
However, a gang then hijacked the chat and threatened to show the video to his family and friends, unless he paid them off.
Child welfare charities have warned that they are getting dozens of calls every week from suicidal children as young as 11 caught in the same trap.
Daniel Perry was targeted by online blackmailers who told him they would hand a video to police of his chat with who he thought was a girl of his own age
Daniel Perry was targeted by online blackmailers who told him they would hand a video to police of his chat with who he thought was a girl of his own age

He was targeted by people who it is believed found his Skype address when he tweeted it
He was targeted by people who it is believed found his Skype address when he tweeted it
In the most extreme cases blackmailers even ask for naked pictures or strip teases after threatening to post the lewd images or videos on their school's Facebook site or Twitter feed, experts have said.
In this case apprentice mechanic Daniel Perry was ordered to put cash in a specific account or he 'would be better off dead'.
 Within an hour of the threat and fearing for the repercussions he went to the Forth Road Bridge where he jumped to his death last month.
A source close to the family said: 'Knowing him as I do, he has felt embarrassed, horrified and has thought he's let everybody down.
The teenager was a trainee mechanic in Dunfermline, Fife, where he lived
The teenager was a trainee mechanic in Dunfermline, Fife, where he lived

'He was coming up for his 18th birthday so it's not as if we could have been checking what he was doing on his laptop.'
She continued: 'However he wasn't doing anything wrong, just what anyone his age might do, but this scam is all about exploiting young people.
'Even if he came to me and said he needed money we'd have helped him but we knew nothing about any of it.'
She added: 'He was not the type of person who let things get him down. He was a happy laddie, not depressed and the last type of person you would think would take their life.
'We're a very close family and I just wished he had come to me and said something. I would have gone on the computer and told them to P-off.'
On the day of his death, Daniel had posted his Skype details on his Twitter account telling followers to 'skype me.'
Shortly before killing himself, the youngster had asked the blackmailers via his laptop 'what can I do to stop you showing this to my family?'
He was then told to pay funds into a named bank account or his life would not be worth living and he 'would be better off dead'. He replied 'bye.'
Later that day he sent a text message to his Nan telling her he was on his way home but instead he ended his life.
He was still alive when rescued by a lifeboat crew about an hour later but died a shortly afterwards.
His mother said: 'When I feel strong enough I want to do something to stop this happening to other young people. I'll go to the high schools and tell them what can happen.
Daniel died on July 15 after jumping from a bridge just an hour after receiving the threat from the blackmailers
Daniel died on July 15 after jumping from a bridge just an hour after receiving the threat from the blackmailers
'If I can stop this from happening to other young people then I feel I'll have done something for him.
She added: 'He was the type to laugh things off. I still can't believe this has happened and expect him to walk in the door any minute.'
In a tribute from his family they said: 'You will be sorely missed ‘wee man' loved and missed by everyone.'
Hannah Smith had allegedly suffered months of abuse from online trolls on the website
Hannah Smith had allegedly suffered months of abuse from online trolls on the website

The news comes in the wake of the death of teenager Hannah Smith who was found hanged in her bedroom after allegedly suffering months of abuse from online trolls on the website
The 14-year-old, whose funeral is due to be held today, had allegedly been bullied on the website but it has also been reported she sent herself the majority of the abusive messages.
Her father, Dave, said those claims had not been proved and even if they were true still meant that there were a small percentage of people who had written his daughter abusive messages and had not been named. was forced to defend its site and stated 'we do not condone bullying of any kind' after it was criticised for not doing enough to prevent abuse.
The website yesterday said it will delay announcing the findings of a safety review as a mark of respect to the schoolgirl because it was planned on the same day as her funeral.
The site engaged a team of lawyers to carry out an audit of its site and safety features following her death two weeks ago.
It is alleged she died after suffering months of abuse from online trolls on the question-and-answer website where members can be anonymous.
At Daniel's funeral, held at the Dunfermline Crematorium, £700 was raised for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and the family thanked the Queensferry Units rapid response team paramedics for their help.

David Moyes Already Giving Excuses Why United Might Not Win Premier League

David Moyes took a leaf out of Sir Alex Ferguson’s management book and last night criticised the Premier League over Manchester United’s opening fixtures.

The new Old Trafford manager has complained to the League, insisting: ‘I think it’s the hardest start for 20 years that United have had.

‘I hope it’s not because Manchester United won the League quite comfortably last season that the fixtures have been made much more difficult.’
Does Moyes have a point? Judge for yourself with a list of United's previous starts below
Concerns: Manchester United boss David Moyes has hit out at the start of the season handed to his team
Concerns: Manchester United boss David Moyes has hit out at the start of the season handed to his team
Andre Villas-Boas, Ian Holloway, David Moyes Chris Hughton
Andre Villas-Boas, Ian Holloway, David Moyes Chris Hughton
Remember this? Moyes' Everton beat United on the opening weekend last season
Remember this? Moyes' Everton beat United on the opening weekend last season

Moyes, whose side play Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City in the first five weeks of the campaign, rang Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore directly to voice his concerns.

‘The old manager told me those sort of things  happened,’ said Moyes last night. ‘I find it hard to believe that’s the way the balls came out of the bag, that’s for sure.’

His comment about Ferguson was meant as a joke but it is clear that Moyes genuinely did wonder if his team had been given a tough start on purpose.

The former Everton boss touched on the subject when he was unveiled as United manager back in July, but has now taken his comments to a level that will cause some of his rivals to raise eyebrows.

A Premier League spokesman last night confirmed that Moyes had raised the issue and said: ‘We assured him the process is random and above board. He accepted those assurances.’

United begin their League season with a tough trip to Swansea City tomorrow evening. This is followed by a home game with Chelsea and a visit to Liverpool.
Moyes added: ‘It is a hard start.

But if it is a hard start for Manchester United, it is a hard start for everyone else because they have to play us.
Good start: Louis Saha scored as United thrashed Fulham 5-1 on the opening day in 2006
Good start: Louis Saha scored as United thrashed Fulham 5-1 on the opening day in 2006

‘It is as tough a start as Manchester United have ever had. I looked at that a little bit questionably when I saw it.’ Moyes did not shed any light yesterday on whether Wayne Rooney would play at Swansea, but he said he was pleased the striker came through an hour of action in England’s 3-2 win over Scotland on Wednesday.

‘He got his first competitive 65 minutes,’ said Moyes. ‘He hasn’t had any other serious action. It was a good game for him but I thought Danny Welbeck also had some good match action and I was pleased about that — and Tom Cleverley too. From that point of view it was good they got a run-out.

‘I couldn’t tell you about Saturday’s game now. When I get back I will see how he is.’

Meanwhile, Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert has questioned whether his side have become the latest victims of ‘big club syndrome’.

Chelsea won a battle to move their home game against Villa from August 31 to next Wednesday to accommodate their UEFA Super Cup match.

Lambert, whose side now face Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool in a week, said: ‘All of a sudden, they tell us we’re getting jammed in between Arsenal and Liverpool when we had given them our preferred dates. I don’t think it’s fair — even after having it explained to me 45 times.'


Swansea City away; Chelsea home; Liverpool away; Crystal Palace home; Manchester City away

Everton away LOST
Fulham home WON
Southampton away WON
Wigan home WON
Liverpool away WON
Newcastle home WON
Fulham away DRAW
West Ham home WON
Everton away DRAW
Liverpool home WON
Newcastle home DRAW
Portsmouth away WON
Liverpool away LOST
Chelsea away DRAW
Bolton home WON
Fulham home WON
Charlton away WON
Watford away WON
Tottenham home WON
Arsenal home LOST
Chelsea away LOST
Norwich City home WON
Blackburn away DRAW
Everton home DRAW
Bolton away DRAW
West Brom home WON
Chelsea  away DRAW
Sunderland away DRAW
Middlesbrough home WON
Bolton home LOST
Newcastle home WON
Ipswich Town away DRAW
West Ham United away DRAW
Bradford City home WON
Sunderland home WON
Leicester City home DRAW
West Ham away DRAW
Charlton home WON
Coventry City home WON
Arsenal away LOST
Wimbledon away WON
Everton home DRAW
Blackburn Rovers home DRAW
Derby away DRAW
Leeds away WON
QPR home WON
Nottingham Forest away DRAW
Tottenham away WON
Wimbledon home WON
Leeds away LOST
West Brom away WON
Tottenham home WON
Arsenal home WON
Bolton away WON
Chelsea home WON
Birmingham City home WON
Burnley away LOST
Wigan away WON
Arsenal home WON
Tottenham away WON
Reading home DRAW
Portsmouth away DRAW
Manchester City away LOST
Tottenham home WON
Sunderland home WON
Everton away WON
Aston Villa home WON
Newcastle away WON
Manchester City home DRAW
Liverpool away DRAW
Bolton home WON
Newcastle away WON
Wolves home WON
Southampton away LOST
Charlton away WON
Fulham home WON
Blackburn away DRAW
Aston Villa away DRAW
Everton home WON
Newcastle away LOST
Everton away DRAW
Sheffield Wednesday home WON
Leeds home WON
Arsenal away WON
Coventry away WON
Tottenham away WON
Southampton home WON
Leicester City away DRAW
Everton away WON
Coventry home WON
Aston Villa away LOST
West Ham home WON
Wimbledon home WON
Blackburn away WON
Everton away WON
Norwich away WON
Sheffield United home WON
Newcastle home DRAW
Aston Villa away WON
Southampton away WON

Man Who Jumped Down From Helicopter As James Bond During Olympics Opening Is Dead

The skydiver who famously parachuted into London’s Olympic Stadium dressed as James Bond has died while apparently ‘showing off’ to fellow thrill-seekers.
Mark Sutton, 42, was killed when he hit a mountain ridge in the Alps at about 150mph after he jumped in a winged suit from a helicopter.
The former Army officer was taking part in the first day of an event featuring 19 of the world’s best base jumpers for a French extreme sports television channel.
Mr Sutton doubled for actor Daniel Craig in the 2012 Games opening ceremony when he and fellow stuntman Gary Connery, who was dressed as the Queen, dropped into the stadium in Stratford.
Last night, investigators were reviewing footage taken by fellow skydivers to see what went wrong amid claims that he made a mistake while ‘showing off’.
The aim of the sport is to impress by flying close to the mountainside or the ground.
Mr Sutton, a father of two from Shere, Surrey, jumped from the helicopter with his friend Tony Uragallo on Wednesday morning for a ‘warm-up’ flight that should have lasted a minute.
The men were both wearing wingsuits and three action cameras to film each other and their own descents.
Dubbed ‘flying squirrels’, the all-in-one wingsuits increase the body’s surface area, allowing users to glide at high speeds before deploying a parachute to land.
Proud: After his James Bond stunt last year, Mark Sutton's girlfriend Victoria Homewood posted this photo on her Facebook with the message: 'My very handsome 007 xxx'

Killed: Mark Sutton, centre, the daredevil who amazed the world when he parachuted into the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony dressed as James Bond has died after a stunt went wrong. Pictured here with Gary Connery, right, the skydiving 'Queen' last summer

The Queen and James Bond drop into the Olympic Stadium
Her Majesty's Secret Service: Mr Sutton and Mr Connery drop into the stadium - the result was the most talked-about sequence of the Olympics Opening Ceremony
In action: The moment Mr Sutton arrived in the east London stadium was watched by people from around the world
In action: The moment Mr Sutton arrived in the east London stadium was watched by people from around the world
The Queen greets 007 at Buckingham Palace with the words 'Good Evening, Mr Bond' in the film sequence leading up to her parachute 'jump'
The Queen greets 007 at Buckingham Palace with the words 'Good Evening, Mr Bond' in the film sequence leading up to her parachute 'jump'
James Bond actor DanielCraig and the Queen in the helicopter
Smooth operators: James Bond actor Daniel Craig and the Queen in the helicopter
Mr Uragallo’s footage, which has been handed over to the Swiss police, is believed to show Mr Sutton leaving the helicopter before veering off course.
'He did not deploy his parachute after appearing to get into trouble just 20 seconds into his jump.
A Swiss rescue helicopter was called to the Grand-Otannes region of Valais within minutes but Mr Sutton was pronounced dead at the scene.
Speculation has mounted in the base of Trient, in the Chamonix Valley, that Mr Sutton was ‘showing off’ by performing riskier aerobatics to impress his peers.
Descent into disaster
A source said: ‘These are the best wingsuit flyers in the world. And Mark Sutton was right up there at the top.
'Apparently he had been showing off a bit. I don’t know how exactly or whether he had said anything to suggest he was going to try anything different.’
In a posting on Facebook yesterday, Mr Uragallo appeared to appeal to other skydivers to take fewer risks.
‘Guys, a perfect run is not one that has you 2cm from death. A perfect run has room for error, please, please, please, BACK OFF, have fun over a period of time and not all on this one base jump.’
The Mayor of Chamonix only recently lifted a ban on the sport in the region after a Norwegian wingsuit flyer died last July.
Mr Sutton, who served in the Gurkha Rifles before working in the City, has two teenage sons from a previous marriage.
On Saturday, he wrote on Facebook about the spectacular scenery in Chamonix.
‘First trip here to fly and loving it,’ he added.
His girlfriend Victoria Homewood, who lives in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, was staying with him.




Loic Jean Albert flying wearing the wing-suit developed by himsel
Modern wing-suits, also known as birdman suits, were first developed during the 1990s and allow jumpers to cover huge amounts of ground at speeds well over 200mph.
The practice uses a special jumpsuit with webbing between the limbs to add surface area to the body and give it lift to enable to wearer to glide towards the ground.
The wingsuiter uses their body to control forward speed, direction and lift.  As they approach the ground that is when a wing-suiter will deploy a parachute.
According to, it is generally accepted that wing-suiting adds a degree of complexity to skydiving, with risks such as uncontrollable spinning, hitting an aircraft's tail on exit and extra material to manage.
Jean-Marie Bornet, of the Valais police service, said Mr Sutton's injuries were so severe that experts were forced to identify his body with a DNA test - it is thought he was travelling at 124mph when he hit the mountain ridge.
'We do not know what caused his death but we know it was immediate,' he added.
'The weather was good but when a pilot takes part in this sport, the aim is to fly very close to the ground or mountain side.
'If you do this at speeds of 200 kmh, the margin for error is very small.'
Investigators will consider whether thermal winds may have had an impact on his trajectory, leading to the crash.
'One hypothesis is that he was too close to the mountain,' Mr Bornet added.
Police said a 'close' friend was with Mr Sutton, who reportedly travelled to Chamonix a few days ago with his partner Victoria Homewood, 39.
On Saturday he wrote on Facebook: 'The sun comes out for a beautiful day in Chamonix, two base wingsuit flights from Brevent then a spectacular paraglide with Mont Blanc and the glaciers glistening in the background.
'First trip here to fly and loving it,' he added.
Trey Cook, editor-in-chief of Epic TV, an 'online extreme sports media service', said Mr Sutton was part of a group of 20 of the world's top wing-suit pilots he had invited to the Alps to jump on film.
Speaking from Chamonix, the French resort where the group are staying, he said: 'There were two pilots that jumped at the same time.
'The pilot who was with him (Sutton) had a camera on.'
He added that the moment of impact was not captured on film.
Describing Mr Sutton's death as 'devastating', Mr Cook said all bar one of the group had decided to carry on with jumps in the area despite his death, in tribute to his memory.
'We had organised a group of 20 of the world's top wingsuit pilots to come and do some jumping,' Mr Cook said.
'It was a really casual event. They had gone up in helicopters and they were jumping. They were choosing their own courses. We were filming them as they were flying.'
Wing-suit flying, first developed in the 1990s, uses a special jumpsuit with webbing between the limbs to add surface area to the body.
This gives it a lift to enable to wearer to glide towards the ground before deploying a parachute.
Wingsuit experts said Mr Sutton was thought to have made a mistake which cost him his life.
One experienced instructor, who did not wish to be named, said the 'responsible and very calculated' jumper appeared to have miscalculated the gradient of the ground he was flying over, meaning he hit the ridge as the land flattened out.
'He made a jump error and got too close to the terrain.' the coach said.
'There was no room for recovery. A wingsuit flies three metres forward for every metre that you are going down. You are going down at an angle of 35 degrees or so. You always try to pick steeper terrain to fly relative to.
'In this case, at some point the terrain got so flat that he hit it.'
The instructor said Mr Sutton's death shocked the small wingsuit jumping community.
Training: Gary Connery and Mark Sutton make preparations a few months before their Olympic stunt
Training: Gary Connery and Mark Sutton make preparations a few months before their Olympic stunt
Friends: Gary Connery and his wingman Mark Sutton pose on in May last year before a stunt
Friends: Gary Connery and his wingman Mark Sutton pose in May last year before a stunt

Taking to the sky: The British stunt diver in a previous stunt
Taking to the sky: The British stuntman in a previous stunt


The complete statement from film director Danny Boyle, the creative director of the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games:
Such sad news about the wonderful Mark Sutton.
As one of the world's top skydivers and stuntmen his death is a huge loss to his profession.
In a brilliant partnership with Gary Connery they made the stadium gasp at the Opening Ceremony in London 2012 and left indelible memories for people from all walks of life all over the world.
They were a delight to work with and after each practice jump brought their cheery, carefree smiles into the stadium control room.
Their courage, professionalism and modesty was always a boost for those of us locked inside the park. Disciplined and brave in situations most of us would find terrifying, Mark was also a gentle and thoughtful man.
Courtesy of loading the helicopter in Essex, and thereby avoiding the official security ban on alcohol in the park during rehearsal, he and
Gary also smuggled with them an excellent bottle of wine for the crew each evening and before we all went home we would often drink their health.
They of course, as top stuntmen, never touched a drop but they sensed our need of occasional fortification!
The show was built from so many contributions from so many people, none finer and braver than Mark Sutton's.
On behalf of everyone in the show we were all honoured to have him worked with him and to have known him as a friend and professional.
All our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues.
Thank you Mark.
'You get people who do really stupid stuff but guys like Mark Sutton are known for being very safe, responsible and very calculated jumpers,' he added.
'There is always a risk associated with the sport but you do try and keep that risk minimised. Mark Sutton wasn't a person known for making stupid decisions or doing things out of his skill set. His death is a shock to a lot of people.'
After news of his death emerged, Gary Connery, who dressed as the Queen during the stunt last year tweeted: 'All you jumpers/flyers out there, stay safe, make wise choices and know your limits and your locations live to tell your stories one love.'

Mr Connery, told The Sun he had lost a close friend who was 'smart, articulate and funny'.
'In any sport where you share a common bond you can make friends in a heartbeat that last a lifetime,' he said.
'My relationship with Mark was like that.'
Repatriation of his body is expected to take a few days..
Police in the Swiss Valais canton confirmed that a 42-year-old British man had died after jumping with a friend from a helicopter while wearing a wing-suit above the Grandes-Otannes area, close to the French border.
In a statement they said the pair jumped from a height of 10,826ft (3,300m) at around 11am yesterday.
They said they had planned to land close to the hamlet of Le Peuty, near Trient.

But a preliminary investigation suggests that he hit a ridge, it said.

He is yet to be formally identified.
'The victim, a Briton, was 42 years old. He was staying in Chamonix (in France) with 20 followers, considered among the best in the world in this discipline,' the statement said.
It added that they were in the region as guests of a company that makes extreme sport films for the internet.
Mr Sutton and Mr Connery, underwent months of secret training for their show-stealing jump.
On the night, Mr Connery, 43, was sewn into a copy of the salmon dress the Queen was wearing, and the duo were driven to Stapleford airfield, Essex.
Their helicopter was given the all-clear to take off by military air-traffic controllers and then guided into position over the arena at 800ft for the pair to make their entrance.
After deploying their parachutes at 500ft, the duo steered away from the stadium and landed on a nearby bridge.
Daredevil: Mr Sutton in a wingsuit flight earlier this year
Daredevil: Mr Sutton in a wingsuit flight earlier this year
The result was the most talked-about sequence of Danny Boyle’s Olympics Opening Ceremony.
Danny Boyle paid tribute to Mr Sutton, saying the sad news of his death marked 'a huge loss to his profession'.
He told how the two stuntmen would smuggle wine into the secure Olympic site from the helicopter launch site in Essex every evening during rehearsals for crew in need of 'occasional fortification' - but were too professional to touch a drop.
'In a brilliant partnership with Gary Connery they made the stadium gasp at the Opening Ceremony in London 2012 and left indelible memories for people from all walks of life all over the world,' he told the Evening Standard.
He added: 'The show was built from so many contributions from so many people, none finer and braver than Mark Sutton.
'On behalf of everyone in the show we were all honoured to have worked with him and to have known him as a friend and a professional.
'All our thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues. Thank you Mark.'
Mr Sutton also served as a cameraman when Mr Connery made the first wing-suit landing without a parachute in May last year.

Obama, Jonathan Set To Meet In New York

President Barack Obama has invited President Goodluck Jonathan for a meeting in New York next month, the United States’ Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Ms Wendy Sherman, has said.

Speaking with State House correspondents after meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan, Ms Sherman said Nigeria is a very important country, not only in Africa but in the world, which cannot be ignored.
Reacting to a question on whether the failure of Barack Obama to visit Nigeria during his last trip to Africa was a snub on Nigeria, the American official parried the question while emphasising the importance of Nigerian/USA relations.
“Our presidents will likely meet soon. I will leave that announcement to the President of the United States and the President of Nigeria.
“But Nigeria is a very important country, not only here on the continent but around the world.”
Nigeria has served on the Security Council of the UN and it is likely to do so again in future.
“It is the head of the Committee on Democracy and has been leader in so many ways, like in ECOWAS as a peace-keeper all around the world. These are the partnerships that are important to us.”
Sherman who is leading a delegation to the US-Nigeria Bi-National Commission meeting described the commission as an invaluable tool for the two countries to work together for a strong relationship between them.
She added that the commission would support Nigeria as it moves forward to meet all the challenges before it.
She identified the issues before the bi-national commission to include security, governance, education and agriculture.
Sherman said during her meeting with Jonathan, she delivered a letter from Obama to President Jonathan who accepted it adding that her country looks forward to working with Nigeria further on the basis of the letter.

Guinness Brings Roberto Di Matteo To Nigeria

GUINNESS is underlining its commitment to football in Nigeria with the launch of RAISE YOUR GAME campaign. Over the next year, Roberto Di Matteo will be working with GUINNESS and to launch the activities he will be right here in Nigeria today, Friday 16th August 2013. 
Purpose / Objectives
•             Enhance public awareness and need to be in the know of his activities.
•             Opportunity to create buzz for Guinness as the brand committed to Nigeria and football fans.
•             Keep the Malta Guinness events consistent, fresh and dynamic in minds of consumers.
Very Important
•             Drive traffic to as site to keep up to date with all the news about Di Matteo’s visit to Nigeria
•             Encourage audience to drink responsibly, strictly 18/21+
•             Exciting times are here as Guinness the beer of choice for football fans has gone a step further to reaffirming its commitment to football. GUINNESS is bringing to town the Champions league winning Coach Roberto Di Matteo on August 16th Friday, 2013.
•             While in town he will be launching the GUINNESS FOOTBALL MANAGER- a platform that put you in the driver’s seat and lets you ‘Be the Boss’ as you pick your team, call the shots, and, if you do well, win fantastic prizes. He will also be announcing the launch of the epic football show GUINNESS RAISE YOUR GAME- a weekly show that will bring you all the latest football news, amazing interviews with world-class footballers, epic live music performances and exclusive on-the-sofa chats!
•             Sign up, for free at and own your own team and be the first to know Roberto’s activities. Also tune in to super sports to hear Roberto’s analysis on matches to be played on Saturday August 16th, 2013 all these brought to you by Guinness.
•             As the new English premier league begins be sure to grab a bottle of Guinness and drink responsibly. Guinness is sold strictly to +18.

Top shaving mistakes men make

Bad shaving practices can often leave your skin feeling tight, sore and looking less than its best.
Because shaving is a fact of life for so many men, we assume that we all know how to shave correctly. But the truth is there are several common mistakes made by men of all ages that contribute to all kinds of shaving dilemmas. Eradicate these mistakes from your performance, and you're much more likely to achieve a smoother, more comfortable shave.
1. Inadequate preparation
As the old saying goes; 'fail to prepare and you prepare to fail', so before you jump straight in with your razor and tear up your face, you'll need to do a bit of ground work. Firstly you need to wash your face with warm water in order to open your pores, gently exfoliate the skin, bring out ingrown hairs and raise your beard. Exfoliate the skin by using facial scrub.
If your beard is particularly course, or your skin extra sensitive, it may also be a good idea to use pre-shave oil. This will further soften your stubble and act as a protective shield for your skin.
Tip: Steam is great for opening open pores and softening stubble, so where possible, shave straight after a shower (or even in the shower if you can).
2. Blunt blades
You need to regularly change your blades if you have any hope of shaving success.
Depending on the blades you buy, how often you use them, and your beard type you may need to change your blades as often as every 4 or 5 days.
3. Forgetting to rinse
As you shave, a mixture of product, hair and dead skin builds up on your razor. If you don't rinse your blade with warm water after every stroke, this build up not only makes your shave less effective, but can further irritate your skin along the way.
4. Shaving against the grain
Shaving against the direction of hair growth (or against the grain as it's also known) will almost guarantee stressed skin and shaving irritation. Many men are tempted to shave against the grain thinking that this will help then achieve a closer, smoother shave, but unless you are very lucky it will lead to unnecessary skin scraping and a whole host of shaving woes. So if you don't fancy reaching for the fire extinguisher to put out that shaving rash, always shave with the grain and not against it.
Tip: After a few days growth, run your fingers across your stubble and you should be able to feel the direction of your hair's growth (grain). Bear in mind that it may not grow in the same direction all over your face, normally growing in the other direction on your neck.
5. Neglecting a post shave routine
In this writers humble opinion, not having a post shave moisturizing routine is not only one of the worst shaving crimes, but one of the worst grooming mistakes a man can make. As you'll have realized by now, shaving puts your skin under a lot of stress, often drying and irritation along the way.
A post shave routine is designed to put that moisture back in, extinguish razor burn, sooth and rejuvenate your skin and prevent ingrown hairs.
Use a moisturizer that is light and easily absorbed, it soothes small nicks and razor burn while protecting, moisturizing and conditioning for super smooth skin.
Tip: Something as simple as splashing your face with cold water after shaving will also help, closing your pores and cooling the skin.

Arsene Wenger Has Not Bought Even One single Player.. So What Is He Doing?

Wenger has let 17 players leave this summer. He has brought in only one (and he was free). Now the club only have 11 fit senior stars ahead of their opening game. So, just what IS he doing?

Arsene Wenger's lack of summer spending looks like it's going to come back and bite him, with Arsenal teetering on the brink of a crisis.
For the season opener against Aston Villa on Saturday the Gunners are barely going to be able to get a first XI together and will have to rely on a string of outcasts, misfits and youngsters to make up their bench.
In the close season, 17 players left and only one came in - and even he is injured.
Failed: Arsene Wenger has brought in only one player and released 17 this summer
Failed: Arsene Wenger has brought in only one player and released 17 this summer
Misfit: Inactivity in the market will leave Arsenal relying on the likes of Nicklas Bendtner this weekend
Misfit: Inactivity in the market will leave Arsenal relying on the likes of Nicklas Bendtner this weekend


Goalkeepers: Szczesny, Fabianski.
Defenders: Mertesacker, Koscielny, Jenkinson, Gibbs, Vermaelen (inj), Monreal (inj), Sagna (inj).
Midfielders: Rosicky, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Wilshere, Ramsey (precaution), Cazorla (travelled from Ecuador), Arteta (inj), Diaby (inj), Frimpong*, Miyaichi (inj).
Forwards: Podolski, Giroud, Walcott, Sanogo (inj), Park*, Bendtner*.
*have had minimal first-team involvement over the past season
With a crisis of playing staff brewing, there are currently question marks over 10 of the 24 players who are listed under the first-team squad on Arsenal's website.
Three of those are rather liberally placed in the first-team bracket.
Bacary Sagna hobbled off for France midweek, Thomas Vermaelen, Abou Diaby and Nacho Monreal are all long-term injury concerns, Mikel Arteta is also out while Santi Cazorla this week travelled to and from Ecuador to play with Spain. Aaron Ramsey also pulled out of the Wales squad as a precaution.

New boy Yaya Sanogo, still just 20, could also miss the start of the season with a hamstring injury - he withdrew from the France Under 21 squad this week.


PLAYERS OUT: Andrey Arshavin (released), Denilson (Sao Paulo, free), Sebastien Squillaci (released), Martin Angha (Nuremberg, undisclosed), Craig Eastmond (Colchester, free), Conor Henderson (released), Jernade Meade (Swansea, free), Sanchez Watt (Colchester, free), Johan Djourou (Hamburg, loan), Vito Mannone (Sunderland £2m), Andre Santos (Flamengo, free), Francis Coquelin (Freiburg, loan), Joel Campbell (Olympiacos, loan), Chuks Aneke (Crewe, loan), Marouane Chamakh (Crystal Palace, free), Ignasi Miquel (Leicester, season-long loan), Gervinho (Roma, £8m).
PLAYER IN: Yaya Sanogo (Auxerre, free).

New boy: Yaya Sanogo is Wenger's only signing of the summer - and even he is injured
New boy: Yaya Sanogo is Wenger's only signing of the summer - and even he is injured
Well travelled: Santi Cazorla did a 10,000-mile round trip to play with Spain in Ecuador
Well travelled: Santi Cazorla did a 10,000-mile round trip to play with Spain in Ecuador
That takes us to the next three members of Arsenal's 'first team' - Emmanuel Frimpong, Park Chu-young and Nicklas Bendtner.
This trio of misfits and unwanted hangers-on can hardly count themselves as bona fide first-teamers.
Frimpong made just two starts in a loan spell at Fulham. Park Chu-Young played 21 matches and scored three goals in a Celta Vigo side that finished a single point above relegation to the Segunda Division.
And then there's Bendtner. The Great Dane (in his own mind) has been on loan for the last two seasons and has been actively hawked to every team in the world this summer.
That he is still on the books at the Emirates is testament to the wage structure employed at Arsenal - no one is willing to match the wages he is paid in north London.
Concern: Thomas Vermaelen is one of a number of players with long-term injury troubles
Concern: Thomas Vermaelen is one of a number of players with long-term injury troubles
Departed Gunners include the much-maligned Marouane Chamakh, Gervinho, Andre Santos, Andrey Arshavin and Sebastien Squillaci.
Vito Mannone has also left for Sunderland, while Johan Djourou is on loan to Hamburg.
The above names aren't elite players that will wina league title but all are useful as reserves and all, bar Mannone, have extensive experience at international level.
If you are getting rid of players wholesale, perhaps there should be a plan to bring in adequate replacements - or, perish the thought, better players.
Ready to step in? Arsenal's youngsters, including the highly-rated Chuba Akpom have conceded 12 goals to Colchester and Luton in the last two matches
Ready to step in? Arsenal's youngsters, including the highly-rated Chuba Akpom have conceded 12 goals to Colchester and Luton in the last two matches
There is always the argument that younger players can be promoted to plug the holes.
But have you seen their latest results? An Arsenal Under 21 side were smashed 5-1 by League One Colchester United on Wednesday night. The match before that Luton Town beat them 7-0 and there was also a 4-4 draw with Leyton Orient.
These are Arsenal sides including highly-rated youngsters Chuba Akpom, Thomas Eisfeld and Gedion Zelalem - who may only be 16 but was a part of the seniors pre-season tour.

Wenger has been linked with many players this summer. Talk of Luis Suarez, Luiz Gustavo, Cesc Fabregas, Wayne Rooney, Bernard, Gonzalo Higuain, Adil Rami, Julio Cesar and Ashley Williams has all got some fans excited.
Luis Suarez
Luiz Gustavo
Missing out: Arsenal have been linked with a number of leading names, but none have arrived
But the reality is that rather than buying multi-million pound international talent, Wenger's only signing of the summer is a 20-year-old unknown from the second tier of French football.
The frustration for Arsenal fans is clear. They appear just two or three signings away from a genuine title challenge but due to Wenger's inactivity, they know appear on the brink of a serious problem at the start of the season.
Just down the road, fierce rivals Tottenham took their summer spending beyond £60million with the purchase of Etienne Capoue, Nacer Chadli, Roberto Soldado and Paulinho.
Last season there was just a single point gap between the two sides - even if Spurs lose star man Gareth Bale, they have made significant improvement that should be a real worry.
The Arsenal manager has promised there will be more signings, but will they be good enough or come quick enough?
'We are active,' Wenger told Arsenal Player. 'We are in a situation like Manchester United, like Chelsea, where everybody expects signings and at the moment not a lot has happened.
'There are 18 days to go, so that is a long time in the transfer market and we will be active.
'I cannot certify what the number [of players coming in will be], but we will be active until the end, that is for sure.'
Wenger needs to move fast or he will be faced with a ninth trophyless season. And that may be when the Arsenal fans and board finally, rightly, lose patience.
Getting stronger: Arch rivals Spurs have invested more than £60m to close the gap
Getting stronger: Arch rivals Spurs have invested more than £60m to close the gap

Revenge!!!! Nigeria plans £5000 visa bond for UK citizens

Three months to the commencement of the £3,000 visa bond regime due to be imposed on Nigerians travelling to the United Kingdom, the Federal Government may have perfected plans to impose a £5,000 visa bond on prospective British citizens visiting Nigeria.
This is in retaliation to the new but controversial immigration policy of the UK scheduled to commence in November 2013.
The Home Office of the United Kingdom, recently classified Nigeria, India, as “high risk” and placed a £3,000 bond on every Nigerian visiting Britain.
The bond will be forfeited to the British government if an immigrant overstays his permit.
More than two million Nigerians are residing in the UK.
Uproar had greeted the immigration policy described as “discriminatory” since its announcement in June.
Nigeria is one of the countries put on the British “high-risk-list”. Others are India, Ghana, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The countries are slated for the pilot scheme of the new immigration policy to check immigration abuses.
A reliable source at the Nigerian High Commission in London told National Mirror that the refusal of the British Government to backpedal on the visa bond compelled Nigeria to fight back.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Olugbenga Ashiru, had earlier assured that Nigeria would react appropriately if the policy was eventually implemented.
The source, who is a senior officer of the High Commission but did not want his name mentioned, told our correspondent in London that Nigeria had officially protested to the British government over the policy.
He, however, said that there was no sign that the British would rescind the decision.
“As a responsible country, we have protested officially against the discriminatory policy to the British government. But from all indications there is no going back on the policy. We have tried to make them see reasons on the need to review the new immigration policy, but it is like a done deal.
“Don’t forget that Nigeria has threatened to retaliate if the policy is implemented. So, we are only waiting for the implementation and the modalities of the new British immigration policy. But I can assure you that the Nigerian government won’t fold its hands. We would even raise the stake beyond the £3,000 they are asking Nigerians to pay as bond. We are looking at £5,000 as visa bond for UK citizens visiting Nigeria. This is our plan, which is subject to the approval of the Federal Government,” the source told National Mirror yesterday.
This stand is bound to strain the diplomatic relations between Britain and its former colony, Nigeria.
Early this year, British Prime Minister David Cameron chided Nigeria for passing anti-gay bill and threatened to cut aid to the country.
Also, Cameron recently berated Nigerian leaders for the mismanagement of the country’s huge natural resources.
But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokesman, Ogbole Amedu Odeh, denied knowledge of the £5,000 visa bond.
“I’m just hearing that from you. I’m not aware of any £5,000 visa bond for British citizens,” Odeh told National Mirror on phone yesterday.
“Nigeria has not got official correspondence from the British government. Anytime Nigeria gets official communication on the policy, we will react appropriately.”
Meanwhile, Nigerians in the UK under the umbrella of the Central Association of Nigerians in the United Kingdom, CANUK, have said that if this bond is implemented, wrong people will be targeted.
In an interview with National Mirror in London, CANUK Chairman, Bimbo Folayan, said: “On the visa bond, we’ve expressed our feelings that this is not a right policy. We feel that the wrong people are being targeted. We believe that this will be counter-productive and we think this is more political, more economical than immigration related.
“We have protested to the Commonwealth Office, they have listened to us and they promised to get back to us.
“Because of the present situation of British economy, it is probably another way for the Home Office to make money. But that will be to the detriment of genuine travellers. The £3,000 bond will only swell the purse of the British government.”
They, however, opposed the planned retaliation of the British immigration policy by the Federal Government of Nigeria.
Folayan added: “Our position is that two wrongs cannot make a right. I believe that Nigerian government should not retaliate wrongly. Three times this year, I have gone to Nigeria with British investors. So, it means if I’m going to Nigeria, I will have to look for £5,000 visa bond for each of the visitors.
“So, this can only hurt Nigeria. This can hurt investment inflow in Nigeria. We do not support the £5,000 proposed visa bond. Either way, from the British government or Nigerian government, we do not support the policy.
“Policies are made and can be changed. If this is injurious to the economy of the UK, they have to change the policy. I don’t see anything cast in stone on the matter.”
The group, however, said that there was no basis for Nigerians to come to UK illegally.
“The region of the world that is enjoying growth is Africa and that is where the focus is. In UK, we are not recording so much growth and the economic forecast is not too promising.
“So, everybody is feeling the pain. There are not many jobs in the UK any more. There is actually no basis for any youth to leave Nigeria and live in UK illegally because, one, there are no jobs. Two, if you come illegally, that is even worse because you cannot get a job without relevant papers like work permit whereas there are opportunities in Nigeria,” Folayan said.
Nigerians also decried their being labelled as “high risks”. “Nigeria is not high risk. The vast majority of Nigerians living in UK are students, workers and those born in the country. That is not to say that there are no illegal immigrants.
“We strongly feel that Nigeria is not a high risk country regardless of the statistics they might have gathered. We object to targeting a few countries, calling them ‘high risk’.
“We do not support illegal immigrants. We actually encourage Nigerians in the UK to regularise their papers. We’re also in the forefront of encouraging Nigerians living in UK illegally to embrace the opportunity that have been provided by the International Organisation of Migration, IOM, for them to go back home and live more meaningfully than staying in UK without getting a job because of lack of regular papers.”
The group noted that the £3,000 bond would only embolden desperate people rather than serve as deterrent.

Lady Gaga steps out in transparent bodysuit over a black bra & thong

This is what she wore on a date with her boyfriend actor Taylor Kinney a few days back in LA. The way this lady is desperately begging for attention, you would think she has no talent - when she's one of the most talented singers in the world