Friday 16 August 2013

Obama, Jonathan Set To Meet In New York

President Barack Obama has invited President Goodluck Jonathan for a meeting in New York next month, the United States’ Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Ms Wendy Sherman, has said.

Speaking with State House correspondents after meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan, Ms Sherman said Nigeria is a very important country, not only in Africa but in the world, which cannot be ignored.
Reacting to a question on whether the failure of Barack Obama to visit Nigeria during his last trip to Africa was a snub on Nigeria, the American official parried the question while emphasising the importance of Nigerian/USA relations.
“Our presidents will likely meet soon. I will leave that announcement to the President of the United States and the President of Nigeria.
“But Nigeria is a very important country, not only here on the continent but around the world.”
Nigeria has served on the Security Council of the UN and it is likely to do so again in future.
“It is the head of the Committee on Democracy and has been leader in so many ways, like in ECOWAS as a peace-keeper all around the world. These are the partnerships that are important to us.”
Sherman who is leading a delegation to the US-Nigeria Bi-National Commission meeting described the commission as an invaluable tool for the two countries to work together for a strong relationship between them.
She added that the commission would support Nigeria as it moves forward to meet all the challenges before it.
She identified the issues before the bi-national commission to include security, governance, education and agriculture.
Sherman said during her meeting with Jonathan, she delivered a letter from Obama to President Jonathan who accepted it adding that her country looks forward to working with Nigeria further on the basis of the letter.

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