Tuesday 5 November 2013

Don’t re-introduce SAP, ASUU warns FG

The Academic Staff Union of Universities has raised the alarm over an alleged plan by the Federal Government to return the Structural Adjustment Programme “through the back door” 24 years after its introduction by the regime of the former dictator, Gen. Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (rtd) in 1989. According to ASUU, government should reject “the reintroduction of SAP through the back door”.

ASUU blames IBB for decay in education sector

The Academic Staff Union of Universities has blamed former military dictator, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida for the current problems bedeviling the nation’s education sector. The union believed that the former military President presided over what it described as the dictatorship of the International Monetary Fund and Structural Adjustment Programme, whose policies were used to “kill public schools” in the late 1980s.

ASUU strike heats up admission in Ghanaian Universities

Ghana’s public universities are facing a boom in applications, but do not have sufficient facilities to meet growing demand that has been exacerbated by an influx of students from neighbouring countries and a double cohort leaving school this year. As a result, admission to universities is no longer based on obtaining the required grades – some qualified candidates have been turned down or made to sit additional selection tests.