Friday 26 July 2013

9ICE sets August 1st release date for his Most Anticipated Single, “IKE KAN”, Produced by DON JAZZY

Multiple Award winning Nigerian Music Star, Adigun Alapomeji  Ajifolajifaola, aka 9ICE is back and better than ever with a new  single titled “IKE KAN”.  A single from his upcoming Album, “GRA”, IKE  KAN, is produced by Don Jazzy and set to be released via online  retailers such as iTunes, amazon, etc. on August 1st, 2013. IKE KAN, a street slang which literally means “One Plastic”, signifies  applying strength in all that you do. An irresistible beat from Don  Jazzy, fused with the well composed lyrics and sweet melody 9ice is  known for, gives you a song that will have you grooving from start to  finish. The collaboration between 9ice and Don Jazzy is one fans far  and wide have been requesting and waiting for and now it has finally  happened. The decision to release it exclusively via online retailers is a step  in the right direction. 9ice, who has given out free singles in the  past would like to show upcoming talents looking up to him that your  music can and should pay. Fans who love the artiste and their sound  are encouraged to support by purchasing original copies of albums and  downloading singles from the appropriate channels.  For fans who wish  to listen via online streaming, they can visit  or Spinlet and  search 9ice Ike Kan. 9ice, who via hard work, talent, and dedication, has stamped himself  in the African music scene as a music icon and a global ambassador for  promoting one’s mother tongue, will be releasing a double album  during the last quarter of this year and as always, appreciate the  love and support his fans have shown him till date.

DJ Caise and Lagbaja to perform Live via Google+ Hangout..$2,000 to be WON!

The innovator of the GidiHouseMafia sound, DJ Caise and the famous masked musical maestro, Lagbajawill be hosting a historic Google + Hangout tagged #KoKoTerminator   live on Tuesday, 30th of July 2013at 7pm Nigerian time. The hangout which will feature live performances from DJ Caise and the legend, Lagbaja and will be streamed live on Google+ and Dj Caise youtube channel at   to fans of both artists from all over the world. According to DJ Caise, the decision to feature an icon such as Lagbaja is all part of his desire to treat fans to a unique blend of music under his GidiHouseMafia platform. In KOKO TERMINATOR, Lagbaja’s African elements are fused very nicely on strong House beats to create an emotive dance tune. Music Fans, social media enthusiasts from all over the world, are enjoined to tune in to watch the first ever live performance of #KOKOTERMINATOR. There is $2,000 cash prize to be up for grabs to find out how to win, tune in and hang out with DJ Caise and Lagbaja on Tuesday, 30th of July 2013 at 7pm Nigerian time. Watch them live and participate on that day via this link:  To attend the DJ Caise and Lagbaja Google+ Hangout, simply RSVP/Register now via this Link:

BBATheChase: I Slept With Rich Men For Money To Take Care Of My Family – Beverly Osu Confesses

It seems Beverly Osu no longer remember that cameras and microphones are everywhere in the Big Brother Africa house and as such whatever she says or do will being captured and transmitted to viewers.  That could only explain why she revealed her top secret to her in-house lover, Angelo, without thinking twice in one of their recent get together sessions. Talking about her “runs” life in Lagos, Beverly said: “I’ve done all sorts. I’ve slept with men for money when I had to take care of my family.” We observed that it was also in the Big Brother house that Beverly revealed the fact that she had once aborted a four-month old pregnancy she had for her estranged boyfriend. Beverly also confirmed that she once dated singer 2shotz, but the newly married singer is denying her

PHOTOS: 729 Naturists go naked on a beach just to break record

Beachgoers in Vera, Spain, may have caught an eyeful on Sunday as a large group of exhibitionists went for a swimsuit-free dip in the Mediterranean Sea in a bid to break the skinny dipping world record. The  729 nude swimmers were apparently successful, surpassing the previous world record set by 506 festivalgoers last year, local news sources According to the Europa Press, about 600 people were expected at the event. Vera Mayor José Carmelo Jorge was pleased with the turnout, calling the mass nude swim a “tremendous success.” Organized by the town of Vera and the Spanish Naturism Federation, the swimmers showed up to Playa El Playazo beach in throngs Sunday morning before disrobing and taking a collective dip in the Mediterranean around noon. Though funds raised during the event will be donated to charity, the  record-breaking attempt was meant to bolster tourism  in the small resort town of Vera, which is home to several naturist beaches and residential zones.

#ChildNotBride: Why we could not amend the constitution – Sen. David Mark speaks on child marriage debate

The Senate might re-consider its decision to amend  Section 29(4)(b) of the 1999 Constitution, which defines the full age of a woman seeking to renounce her citizenship. On Wednesday, President of the Senate, David Mark admitted while receiving the Gender and Constitutional Reform Network in the Senate that religious sentiment played a role in the final outcome of the voting on the clause but that the public misunderstood the Senate. He explained that the Senate in not recognising the fact that its members had actually proposed to delete the sub-section, without any prompting from the public.


“I want to appeal to all Nigerians that now that we know that this is not receiving the acceptance of majority of Nigerians and people are getting educated, that there is no religious connotation, there is no reason why we cannot revisit it. The important thing is that if we take  a step, which is wrong, we can retrace it,” he said. “I think the problem is not whether we can still revisit Section 29 (4b) or not, that is not the issue; it is whether we can get the number of votes to be able to delete it. With all due respect, the entire Senate is being castigated. “There was and there is still a big misunderstanding of what the Senate is trying to do. We are on the side of the people. That was why we put it that we should delete it;  that is what the people want. We, in fact, were the first  to take the step in the direction of deleting it. It didn’t go through because of other tangential issues that were brought  to the floor of the Senate that are totally inconsequential and unconnected. “When we voted at first, we had 85 votes and we were  101 during plenary. Eighty five voted, and about six abstained. There was hardly any dissenting voice. But once it got mixed up with so many other issues, we couldn’t get the 85 anymore. But  I think the castigation outside is done out of misunderstanding by the general public. “But a religious connotation was brought into it, it became a very sensitive issue. You must agree with me that in this country, we try as much as possible  not to bring in issues that involve faith to  this chamber. “I think the bottom line is when people get sufficiently educated, we can do a rethink and if the Senate agrees, we can then go back and see whether we can get the required number once more, because that is the solution.”

70 people expelled from Lagos, taken to Anambra

The Lagos State government were said to have deported about 70 people to the commercial city of Onitsha yesterday. Escorted by a police patrol van and heavily armed police men the deportees were described as a mixed range of people from those who showed signs of mental illness to those who said they had been in detention for many years before finally released and put on a one way trailer to Onitsha. Some other reports claim they were beggars and homeless people who had being detained in Ikorodu, Lagos, for over six months for alleged wandering and other minor offences by the Lagos State Kick Against Indiscipline officials. There were some who couldn’t even speak the native language and reports claim that it was the second time such human cargo was brought into Onitsha. According to reports, the trailer dropped them of at the Upper Iweka flyover at about 3.20am, made a U–turn and returned to Lagos. The Chairman of Nigeria Red Cross Society in the South-East, Peter Katchy reportedly condemned the actions by the Lagos State authorities. “It’s very deplorable; it’s very disheartening that a state in the Federal Republic of Nigeria will bundle people, who are not even indigenes of Anambra State, and dump them under the flyover at Upper Iweka in Onitsha,” he said. “Many of the people, we have interviewed are not indigenes of Anambra State. Some of them are from Ebonyi State; some are from Imo State among other states. “It is an insult to Anambra State. We shall draw the attention of the governor of Anambra State to ask the reason for such an invasion of his territory. “We will find out why Lagos State should invade Anambra State territory; and why Lagos State should dump people here and leave them helpless. “We are here on humanitarian purposes and in response to an emergency. From  what we discovered here, this is a human emergency and a human callousness.” The Area Commander of the police at Onitsha,  Benjamin Woru said the police would investigate the incident. He also said that the police would monitor the movement of the victims to ensure there would be no security breach in the commercial city of Onitsha, Vanguard reports.

Al-mustapha For President In 2015 Rally Holds In Kaduna

Al mustapha for President in 2015 Rally Holds in Kaduna

Chief Security Officer to late General Sani Abacha yesterday turned his visit to Kaduna state into a 2015 campaign speeches. Al-Mustapha, who had been in detention for nearly 15 years, was acquitted by the Court of Appeal Lagos recently over the killing of Kudirat, wife of M.K.O Abiola, the presumed winner of 1913 presidential election. Major Al-Mustapha, arrived Kaduna state metropolis from Zaria where he paid a visit to the Emir of Zazzau, Dr. Shehu Idris around 2.10pm. Hundreds of youths trooped out to receive him and chanted , “ 2015: Major Al-Mustapha for president.” Al-Mustapha seized the moment and responding to the youths under the umbrella of Arewa Youth Forum (AYF) said: “For those of you that believe there is hopelessness in the country, we must all team up to make the direction for change. You may not understand now but when the direction is defined, when the rail is laid you will know it. “I was told that when I was released in Lagos, youths in Kaduna, Kano and other parts of the North trooped out to celebrate my release. Those in the south also did same, because I was told. I thought I was forgotten but this has shown me that you love me and I love you all. According to him, his release was a victory for democracy and that he would meet with all youth bodies and organisations in both North and South in order to chart a new course. In his address, the National President of AYF, Comrade Gambo Ibrahim Gujungu said the situation they found themselves in was unfortunate and that they will change the norm at all cost. Speaking when he received the former CSO in his residence; Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Gumi urged him to see his incarceration as the will of Allah and that he should forgive all those that played role in it. “It is indeed a happy day for us and as he said it is a big plus to democracy and judiciary in Nigeria. We have come of age where no innocent person should be incarcerated for no reason. We pray Allah will give peace to our nation and for everybody to live in peace and in a peaceful environment.

My Mother-In-Law’s Death A Trauma For Us, Says Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan has described his late mother-in-law as a woman with rare attributes, who was always willing to share whatever she had, no matter how little with everyone. Mr. Jonathan said this in Abuja yesterday when members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC), led by Vice President Mohammed Namadi Sambo, paid him a condolence visit over the death of the First Lady’s foster mother, Mrs. Charity Iwari-Oba. Expressing his appreciation to the delegation for the visit despite their busy schedules, the President disclosed that the First Family had been deeply pained since the news broke, adding that the deceased, who was Dame Patience Jonathan’s biological mother’s younger sister, was dear to them and was responsible for her upbringing. “Our mother that died is quite dear to us, not just today that we are playing politics. The first lady stayed with her till she grew up. This lady never complained and even for me as an in-law, I was free with her, she shared with she had. She used her savings from trade to support us,” he said. “It is very difficult to have somebody with such rare attributes. That is why when we heard about the death we were very pained. So that is the trauma we have been passing through and we thank you for coming to commiserate with us,” the President added. Earlier, speaking on behalf of the delegation, Vice President Sambo said as part of the family (FEC), they were saddened by the passing away of Mrs. Iwari-Oba and shared in the President and his wife’s grief. “It is sad for all of us because we are part of the family and we share in your grief. We pray God to give her peace in eternity” he said. “We’ll continue to pray that God grant her eternal peace” Sambo added just as he prayed God to grant the President the fortitude to bear the loss.” The chaplain of Aso Villa, Ven. Obioma Onwuzurumba, led the prayers for the repose of the deceased’s soul.

12 Things You Don’t Know About Peter Okoye Of Psquare

Nigerian super star singer,  Peter Okoye of Psquare shares an insight into his life that his fans are probably not aware of.

Check out the 12 things below

Which is your favorite state in america?
What is your favorite football club?
Chelsea FC.
When last you had a real fight?
2 years ago with Paul.
What is your favorite music of all time?
MJ thriller.
Who is your best player in football?
Messi and C Ronaldo.
What is your favorite city in Nigeria?
FCT (Abuja).
Who is your mentor/role model?
Late MJ.

Who is your Chelsea’s favorite player? 
Juan Manuel Mata.
Your favorite Nigerian home made food?
Pounded yam and Egusi with goat meat.
If you weren’t an artist what else would you have been?
International soccer player.
Are you a goodfootballer…?
Do you sometimes wish you can just get away from the spotlight and live a normal life?

FG Disburses To Enhance Quality Of Education In Tertiary Institutions

Education Minister, Prof. Ruquayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i, said Thursday that the federal government had so far disbursed about N109.4 billion to Universities, Polytechnics and State Colleges of Education under the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) to boost manpower development and enhance quality of education. The minister also disclosed that the sum of N15 billion had been spent on all 51 Federal and State Polytechnics for the development and rehabilitation of their laboratories while 58 federal and state colleges of education had benefited from the construction of Micro-Teaching Laboratories valued at N11.6 billion. The monetary initiatives, the minister said, are aimed at bringing the facilities to match the 21st Century standard as well as enhance the application of modern technology in the teaching process. Speaking in Abuja at the Dissemination of the World Bank Report on Education and Skills Policy Note in Nigeria, Rufai also said a total of N4.7 billion had been provided to each of the 12 newly established federal universities, adding that while nine of them had commenced academic activities, four are expected to begin in 2014. She said the interventions were parts of the efforts by government towards addressing the challenges in the education sector, noting that it would require partnership with non-government agencies to achieve greater success. The minister also noted that the current administration of President Goodluck Jonathan recognised the invaluable role which education plays in national development and poverty reduction. “Central attention is given to education and human capital development as a key component towards ensuring the future progress of Nigeria. As Nigeria grows in all spheres of endeavour, we require the skilled manpower to drive diverse sectors of the economy. This will enhance our global competitiveness, ensuring mobility of labour and ultimately safeguarding the economic, social and political well-being of our citizens,” she said. Meanwhile, Prof. Rufa’i has expressed optimism that the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU may call off the industrial action embarked on weeks ago, at the end of a meeting between the Union and the federal government today. “Government has no option but to make efforts to resolve ASUU crisis. The President is concerned and everybody is concerned. Definitely, efforts would have to be made to have students back in classes. So we are still pleading with ASUU to call off the strike,” Rufai said.

FG And ASUU Meet Today Over Strike

The Federal Government will meet the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, today on the ongoing strike embarked on by university lecturers over the non- implementation of the 2009 FG/ASUU agreement, which has been on for weeks. The meeting comes following the denial of Minister of Labour and Productivity, Chief Emeka Wogu of a newspaper report that the Federal Government agreement with ASUU could not work. The minister said he never made such a statement and that he only appealed to the union to return to the classrooms while negotiations continued. Last week’s meeting of the two sides with the Senate and House of Representatives Joint Committee on Education had ended in deadlock as both sides seems to be ready to compromise their stands. The two groups were told by the lawmakers, to go back and review their positions, while they choose a later date to reconvene. Fielding questions from journalists, yesterday, Minister of Education, Professor Ruqayyatu Rufa’I, said that the Federal Government had no other option than to meet with the union to resolve the crisis, so students can return to school. “Government has no option but to make efforts to resolve ASUU crisis. Mr. President is concerned, everybody is concerned, definitely, efforts will have to be made to have students back in classrooms. “So we are pleading with our colleagues in ASUU to call off the strike but we are meeting with them, we are meeting tomorrow (today). Lamenting the state of Nigeria’s economy, President of Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, Dr. Nasir Fagge, said Nigeria’s economy had been taken over by Chinese, as leaders in Nigeria have refused to provide quality education to the people, while the Chinese government trained its people in all sectors with the necessary facilities. Fagge said Nigeria’s economy will continue going down the sorry path it is on now, except leaders of the country provided universities with adequate facilities to give qualitative education to the youths. “The thing about it is that, if other countries are investing about 28-30 per cent of their annual budget in education, typically Ghana–even this year, Ghana has committed 28 per cent of its total budget to education, if they can do it, why not Nigeria. “Is it because we are under the dictates of IMF and World Bank, don’t we want to do what is right, must our children continue to go to Ghanaian university for education, must our people be leaving our country, be brain-drained to other countries to go and develop their economies, must we continue this way? “Even now, what is happening is that the Chinese have taken over our economy simply because they have trained their people, they have educated their people and their people can compete any where in the World that is why our President is going to China to go and sign MoU (Memorandum of Understanding). “Why cant we do the same, why cant we train our people and give them quality education so that we will also be exporting them to go and carry out assignments in other countries and then bring foreign exchange for our country and then we will not need to be importing people to come and do some sundry projects in our country. “Most of the key contracts now are being forwarded to Chinese companies; all our companies are down simply because we have not paid high premium to our education sector that is what we are saying. Are we happy with what we are producing as graduates? We are not that is what we are crying out for. “Let people understand that it is the pride of an intellectual to produce a well rounded intellectual who is even better than himself, but that is not what we are having. We are having people because we don’t have the facilities to give them state of-the-art training and we are crying out and people are telling us all sorts of things,” Fagge told Vanguard. He however expressed optimism that the agreement the union entered into with the federal government would be implemented. “This thing that they are saying agreement cannot be implemented, we have heard it before. Prof. Ben Nwabueze was always in the media when he was the Minister of Education saying that it was an agreement of imperfect obligation,” he said. The outcome of today’s meeting will determine the fate of students who bear the brunt of strike actions like this.

Tears Flow As 15 Soldiers, Including 2 Majors Killed By Boko Harm Are Buried In Abuja

A national burial, yesterday, held at the National Military Cemetery in Abuja for two Army Majors and thirteen soldiers killed by Boko Haram terrorists in the North Eastern states of Borno, Yobe, as well as UNAMID operations in Darfur, Sudan. Scores of officers and men of the force, were present at the burial where relatives of the gallant officers and men grieved the death of their loved ones. Jonathan represented by Vice President Namadi Sambo described the death of the officers and soldiers as a sacrifice for the nation’s unity, while insisting the nation will win the war on terror. “We are gathered here on a sad note to honour our gallant officers and men who have sacrificed their lives for the peace and progress of our nation. On several occasions and different for a, I have reiterated the commitment of this administration to strengthening and improving the nation’s security capabilities to enable us confront challenges of the 21st century. “As a result, this administration is steadfastly involved and implementing policies in the nation to tackle security challenges, especially, the Boko Haram terrorism and insurgency. “Currently in order to face the threat headlong I declared a state of emergency in three northern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe on 14 May 2013. The Chief of Defence Staff was mandated to deploy troops to take all necessary actions within the ambits of their rules of engagement to deal with the impunity of insurgence and terrorism. “Today, we are here gathered to lay to bury the remains of two officers and 13 soldiers who gallantly paid the supreme price as a result of this directive. As we mourn and bury them, I hereby reiterate that their sacrifices shall not and will never be in vain. “We mourn but we take solace in the fact that we are winning the war. Members of the armed forces will appreciate that in military operations like this there are bound to be casualties”. “We are here gathered to pay our last respect to our gallant officers and men, and we shall give them befitting burial. To the family of the deceased gallant officers and soldiers, we assure you that we shall not forsake you in this trying time. We assure you that all benefits due you shall be promptly paid.” The 15 soldiers killed were Major Abdullahi Fambiya, Major Abdulllahi Kanoma, Staff Sgt. Keku Adebayo, Corporal Ahmed Usman, Cpl. Mathew Ade, Lcpl. Adamu Ibrahim, Lcpl. Suleiman Gimba, Lcpl Saduaki Salisu, Lcpl Usman David, Lcpl. Olusola Ajani, Private Zakariya Dauda, Private Daniel Kantona, Private Nya Bassey, Private Bassey Emmanuel and Private Enyenihi Effiong. Minister of State Defence, Dr. Erelu Olusola Obada, who also spoke at the event stated that the country appreciates the bravery of the fallen officers and men, and promised federal government’s support for the military. “On behalf of the armed forces, I want to reiterate that the gallant efforts of these men who proudly showcased the great spirit and tenacity to serve and save our nation from destructive elements shall not be in vain. We therefore see their death as noble in the course of duty to serve humanity. “The nation appreciates the great sacrifice of these men and other members of the armed forces of Nigeria who continued to make sacrifices to ensure enduring peace in our nation and other parts of the African continent. We are committed to doing our best in supporting the armed forces in the call to duty and ensure the unity of Nigeria. “Let me end by saying, and I quote, ‘good men must die but death cannot kill your names’ and the names of our fallen heroes will never die in our hearts”. Pastor Iliya Joshua who on behalf of the next-of-kin’s at the event, called on government to thoroughly investigate the cause of death of the officers and men as their death remained a mystery to them.

Ex-commissioner Arrested By EFCC In Imo

The immediate past commissioner for Local Government Affairs in Imo State, Mr Jerry Okolie, has reportedly been arrested by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. Two directors of account and general services and treasurers of two local councils were also said to have been arrested by the anti-graft agency. EFCC operatives, according to an Imo State civil service source, had severally been visiting the state to probe reports of alleged fraud perpetrated by the state government. “In this instance, the EFCC operatives stormed the Commissioners’ Quarters, situated along Concorde Avenue, Owerri, on Tuesday and arrested the former Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Mr. Jerry Okolie, the source told Vanguard. Other ex-commissioners still staying at the quarters since they were sacked by the governor, the source said, quickly fled the quarters. “The EFCC operatives truly encountered stiff resistance from security personnel at the premises but were eventually allowed to carry out their assignment when they properly identified themselves and their mission,” the source said. The arrest of the former commissioner, it was learnt, may not be unconnected to petitions sent to the anti-graft agency on the alleged embezzlement of local council funds in the state.

Ogun Monarch Attacked By Hoodlums

Hoodlums Thursday stormed Ehin-Ogbe community, a border town in Ogijo, Sagamu Local Government Area of Ogun State, beating up the monarch and some residents. Oba Akeem Elupepe, while narrating his ordeal, accused a rival to the throne, whom he identified as Moshood Okeowo, of sponsoring the hoodlums, using policemen in Lagos State as shield. He added that before the hoodlums attacked the village with the assistance of policemen led by a sergeant from a police station in Ijede, Lagos State, he had reportedly summoned him and other four people in the village over a petition written by Moshood Okeowo, Taiwo Okeowo and Bashiru Okeowo for alleged r*pe and detained them. It was gathered, however, that the monarch and four others sustained some injuries following their attack by the hoodlums who chased them out of the community and subsequently took over the area, claiming that the land belong to their forefathers.

Women Affairs Minister Urges Senate To Delete Controversial ‘Child Marriage’ Clause

Hajiya Zainab Maina, Minister of Women Affairs, has called on the Senate to revisit the controversial Section 29 (4)(b) of the 1999 Constitution and delete it in its entirety due to its discriminatory nature.The clause, which states “Any woman who is married shall be deemed to be of full age,” promotes gender inequality and can make an underage married girl to be charged under criminal law, she said. Briefing journalists on constitution review matters in Abuja yesterday, Maina emphasised that it was necessary to clear the air on what the issues really were. “The section up for amendment has to do with persons qualified to renounce Nigerian citizenship, and not the issue of underage marriage,” she elaborated. Flanked by representatives of women groups, the minister noted that citizenship was and should remain gender neutral and be safeguarded from cultural, religious and social interpretations or connotations. “Every well meaning Nigerian citizen should openly support and ensure the removal of this provision that provides that young Nigerian girls who are not old enough to vote or to obtain a driver’s licence are somehow old enough to renounce their citizenship,” Maina said. This, she said, was at variance with all international protocols on the rights of the child which define “a child as anyone who is below the age of 18. “The controversy was caused by some people who wanted to be mischievous to satisfy their personal interests. Nigeria is bigger than any individual,” she added. Also speaking at the briefing, former Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs Josephine Anenih, lamented that Senator Ahmed Yerima, chose to introduce religious sentiments into an issue that had nothing to do with religion. “Renunciation of citizenship is a grave matter that should not be trifled with, a person must understand the ramifications of such act. How can a person who is less than 18 have the mental capacity to take such a decision?” she asked. She therefore appealed to the media to educate the public on what the issues really were as introducing religion into the mix could create problems among the populace. Already, groups like Women Rights Advancement and Protection Agenda (WRAPA), are working to ensure the clause is deleted. Hajiya Saudatu Mahdi, Secretary General of the agency said WRAPA was working with other women groups under the aegis of the Gender and Constitution Women Network to lobby for the deletion of the clause. “Gender should not be a determinant here, a woman should not be singled out to be able to renounce her citizenship just because she is married,” Mahdi said. “The rationale thinking that made the Senate consider the deletion in the first instance should be re-deployed,” she added.

Yobe Governor Unhappy Over Minister’s Participation In Al-Mustapha Rally

Minister of State for Finance, Dr. Yerima Ngama, has incurred the wrath of his state governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Gaidam for actively participating in the rally for the recently released Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, who visited his ancestral home of Nguru, Yobe State last week. Governor Gaidam reportedly showed his disapproval of the Minister’s action on Tuesday as he refused to grant him audience when he came to hand over 222 trailer loads of grains and N150 million; being the Federal Government’s assistance to Yobe as one of the three states affected by the declaration of State of Emergency. The governor was reportedly at the Government House, Damaturu, when the Minister visited but declined receiving him due to his displeasure over the rally in which Dr. Ngama was said to have driven in the same car with Al-Mustapha despite the emergecy rule in the state. Meanwhile, the federal government’s gesture has reportedly led to controversy as the state deputy governor, Engr Danlami Ali, who played host to Dr. Ngama has frowned at claims by the Minister that he “personally sourced N200 million from individuals and organizations to transport the grains to Damaturu.”

10,000 Katsina Youths To Get SURE-P Employment

At least 10,000 youths in Katsina State will be employed by the State office of Subsidy Reinvestment Programme (SURE-P), SURE-P state chairman, Garba Abdullahi Kurfi has said. Disclosing this at the stakeholders meeting organised for SURE-P’s state and local government coordinators, Kurfi said the federal government would recruit 5,000 youths under the programme, while Katsina State and the 34 local government councils would employ 3,000 and 2,000 unemployed youths respectively. According to him, no fewer than 3, 000 youths had so far been employed by the federal government under SURE-P in the state, adding that all those employed were engaged in various jobs. Beneficiaries, Kurfi said, were also being paid monthly allowance of N10,000 each, with allowances of March to May paid so far. June would follow soon, he promised. “They were engaged in road maintenance, sanitation and security at the designated centres across the 34 local government areas. Some were engaged in fumigating surroundings for the purpose of reducing malaria in the state,” he noted. Kurfi said officials of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) were incorporated into the programme as supervisors of the trainees in the 34 local government areas and each official was put on N20,000 monthly allowances.