Tuesday 19 November 2013

ASUU Strike: the Union Queries Four ESUT Professors for Alleged Sabotage

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has queried four professors of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) for sabotaging its ongoing nationwide strike. Prof. Agu G. Agu, the Chairman of ASUU at the ESUT, informed about it while briefing the journalists in Enugu on November 18, 2013, Monday.

Jude Okoye Didn’t Attend His brother, Peter Okoye’s Wedding

So it has been confirmed, Jude Okoye, elder brother of the dynamic duo P-Square wasn’t present for his brother’s wedding. A source spoke with P-Square’s publicist Bayo Adetu and he confirmed that Jude Okoye was not at Peter and Lola’s wedding yesterday. The gist is that Jude Okoye and some members of P-Square’s band were stuck in Ghana after their Saturday night show. What’s weird is that Peter and Paul also at that show and were able to make the trip back on Sunday morning but not Jude.

ASUU Didn’t Go On Strike Because Of Salaries – National Wages And Salaries Commission

Chairman, National Wages And Salaries Commission, Dr. Richard Egbule, has said the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU did not go on strike because of salaries, because the commission handled the issue of salaries well. Egbule said this when Senate Committee on Establishment and Public Service Matters visited the commission on its oversight tour of the commission.

How Leaving The Light On All Night Messes With Sleep

Sleeping with the light on could lead to worse Zzs, a small new study suggests.
Reuters first reported on the study, published in the journal Sleep Medicine, which showed that sleeping with the lights on is linked with waking up more often in the middle of the night and having more shallow sleep. Plus, it seems to affect brain oscillations that are linked with sleep depth.

Nigeria Banks To Shutdown Nationwide

A major crisis looms in the financial sector, as all banks in the country may shut their doors to customers anytime this week, as their chief executive officers (CEOs) move to protest the continued detention of their staff by the Department of State Security (DSS).