Tuesday 30 July 2013

Suspected Boko Haram members arrested by the Army in Lagos

Fourty-two suspected members of Boko Haram sect were arrested in their hideouts in Lagos and Ogun states  and paraded by the Nigerian Army,yesterday in Lagos.
Some of the suspects confessed to the killings of some civilians and soldiers in the northern part of the country and also confessed to have fled for the western part of the country from Borno state due to the ongoing military intervention.
Vanguard reports:
Parading the suspects before newsmen, the General Officer Commanding 81 Division, Major General Obi Umahi, stated that the suspects were arrested following intelligence report on the migration of some members of the sect to the South, from the operation’s commander in the South-Eastern part of the country.
He said based on this information at the division’s disposal, a coordinated raid was carried out in some criminal hideouts in both states.
He said: “The Command organised and carried out raids in conjunction with intelligence operatives in various parts of these states.
“The Boko Haram members’ influx is adduced to plans to unleash terror in some parts of South-West, which includes 81 Division’s area of responsibility.
“The raids were conducted from 12 to 23 July in various hideouts in Lagos and Ogun states, which are fast becoming Boko Haram enclaves.
“The raids were conducted in Ibafo trailer parks and Ileke new trailer garage in Ogun State; Aviation quarters, Mafoluku Oshodi, Ketu/Mile 12 motor parks, Orile trailer park, Lekki new extension and Bar Beach in Lagos State, where 42 suspects were arrested.
“They all admitted to be members of the sect and also said they had participated in some deadly Boko Haram operations.”

Femi Fani-Kayode: A word for Yerima and the paedophiles in power

I must however point out that Nigeria is not a Muslim state. And neither is she a christian state. She is a secular state and she is governed by secular laws. Religious laws have no place in our land or constitution.
I  expressed my concerns about the issue of paedophilia and child brides in Nigeria quite extensively in an essay that I wrote last week titled ‘’A Nation Of Perverts And Paedophiles’’ which was widely published and which attracted a lot of rejoinders and commentries from other writers and commentators from both sides of the divide. I do not intend to cover the same ground or repeat the same arguements here but kindly permit me to make a final contribution to the debate in this piece.
The good news is that no matter what anyone thinks or says and regardless of whichever side of the divide one is on, when it comes to this issue, at least the Nigerian people are now talking about a subject which, hitherto, had been regarded as being ‘’off limits’’ and taboo and which had been essentially swept under the carpet. I commend the Nigerian press, the website magazines, the bloggers and the electronic media for standing firm, rising up to the occassion and bringing the matter alive and one can only hope and pray that they will keep the fire burning by continuing to reflect the heated discussions and various opinions on this issue.
I was particularly impressed with and encouraged by the editorials of some of our leading newspapers on this issue including ‘Thisday On Sunday’, ‘The Nation On Sunday’, ‘Leadership On Sunday’ and ‘The Sunday Vanguard’ which were all published on Sunday 28th July and which were titled “In Support Of The Girl Child’’, ‘’No Cover For Paedophiles’’. ‘’Much Ado About Child Marriage’’ and ‘’Building Nigeria On Deceit’’ respectively. With contributions like that from very serious and credible mediums like those there is still hope for the girl-child in Nigeria. I urge all those that have not read these contributions to please find them and do so.
Yet despite the outrage expressed by the overwhelming majority of Nigerians and indeed the wider world about the plight of the girl-child in our country, on Sunday 28th July, a deeply defiant and unrepentant Senator Ahmed Sani Yarima, who was the individual that sparked off the whole controversy in the first place by insisiting that Section 29 of the Constitution must not be removed, told the Sunday Trust Newspaper that ‘’if the vote on the child marriage issue came up in the Senate again’’ he and his supporters ‘’would win a million times over’’. Sadly, given the nonchalant attitude that has been displayed by a large number of our Senators to the plight of the girl-child, paedophilia and infant marriages in Nigeria and their obvious reluctance to step on Yerima’s big toes and thereby upset his religious sensitivities he may well be right. If not how does one explain the fact that two female Senators, Aisha Jummai Alhassan from Taraba State and Zainab Kure from Niger State, both of whom I gather have daughters, actually abstained when that historical vote took place. To drive home the point, the Senate President himself, Senator David Mark, only last week admitted that he and the entire Senate had succumbed to Yarima’s ‘’blackmail’’ on the issue of the right of the child-bride to renounce Nigerian citizenship and his deputy, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, accepted the fact that the matter “needed to be revisited’’ in view of the outrage expressed by the majority of the Nigerian people.
Yet many of us do not expect anything to change in the near future simply because it is clear that the Nigerian Senate and indeed the Nigerian political class generally simply do not have the sensitivity, the courage, the wherewithal or the political will to do the right thing and to not only delete the controversial Section 29 but to also revamp and amend the constitution in it’s entirety and insert a clause that specifically, clearly and categorically outlaws and bans any marriages that involve anyone under the age of 18 in Nigeria.
Mrs. Roz Ben-Okagbue, in her article titled, ‘’Is The Removal Of Section 29 The Answer To Eliminating Child Marriage?’’ has made this point more eloquently than anyone else. I consider Roz’s piece to be probably the most insightful contrbution so far in this debate simply because she made all the relevant points and consistently hit the nail on the head. It is the inability of the Senate and other political stakeholders to introduce a new clause into our constitution and ban child marriages and their penchant for continously pampering and seeking to accomodate the strange fantasies and perversions of those that enjoy marrying and having sex with 6, 9, 12 and 14 year olds that informed Pastor Tunde Bakare to proclaim, in a characteristically powerful and explosive sermon, that ‘’Nigeria is suffering from the rulership of ‘PINPS’ “(by which he meant ‘’Paedophiles in Power’’) and that the issue of child marriage has divided our country more than any other issue before it in our entire history. No-one could have put it better.
Yet the debate continues to rage and only last week the respected islamic scholar Professor Ishaq Akintola added his voice by saying ‘’there is no age restriction in islamic marriage’’. Most muslims would disagree with this because child-marriage is specifically banned by the laws and constitutions of 90 per cent of muslim countries in the world today but I respect the right of Professor Akintiola to hold his opinion about the tenets of his faith. And regardless of his views and fervency I honestly believe that islam, like christianity, is a humane and compassionate faith which seeks to protect the weak and guide its adherents on the path of righteousness and light.
I must however point out that Nigeria is not a muslim state. And neither is she a christian state. She is a secular state and she is governed by secular laws. Religious laws have no place in our land or constitution.Our constitution is a secular document which specifically says that the state shall not adopt any religion. This must remain so if we do not want a divided country and if we do not want continued controversy, strife and possibly even a fully blown religious conflagration and conflict. We should all keep our religious sensitivities out of certain matters if we want continued peace.
Paedophilia, child sex, child slavery, child rape and child marriage cannot be justified under any circumstances in any civilised country. It is not a matter of religion. It is a matter of human rights, civil liberties and basic morality. There is nothing more repugnant to the natural mind and wholesome soul than the prospect of a fully grown man mounting, defiling and having carnal knowledge of a child that is between the ages of 6 and 18.
Every child, whether she be a christian, a muslim, a pagan, an atheist or an agnostic has the right to be fully protected by the state and by the laws of our land from sexual predators, sexual deviants, statutory rapists, unrepentant perverts and child molestors. That much we ought to be able to achieve and we ought to insist on. We are meant to protect our children and not bed them.
Like I said earlier on elsewhere in this debate, even animals don’t sleep with their own infants. Some may hate me for these words today but I speak nothing but the truth and tomorrow the people will thank me for it. In the heat of this debate my dear wife, Pastor Regina Fani-Kayode, made a pertinent assertion. She said ‘’knowledge comes to those who seek it’’. This is wisdom and I would suggest that our muslim brothers and sisters that share Yarima’s views on child marriage and that seek to defend those views on religious grounds like my respected sister Dr. Zainab Shinkafi-Bagudu, whose article titled ‘’Early Marriage?’’ I read with great interest, learn a little from this deep truism. Perhaps they could also learn one or two things from the following  press report in a newspaper just last week which reflects the views of one of the most respected leaders and islamic scholars in Saudi Arabia. The report reads as follows-
‘’A member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body has said that Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) marriage to a nine-year-old girl does not justify marrying minor children today because circumstances have changed in the intervening 14 centuries. The comments by Sheikh Abdullah al Manie, who sits on the Council of Senior Ulema, follows other recent public criticisms of child marriage, suggesting the government may be preparing public opinion for legislation setting a minimum marriage age.
“They want to prepare the public to understand that the old days are not like today,” said Mekhlef al Shammary, a human rights advocate in Dammam. “It’s a crime to give a 12-year-old to be a mother and wife. “This is ridiculous. Even in Islam it’s not acceptable because the girl is not mature enough. She’s a child – she’s not ready for sexual relations.” The marriage of young girls, often to much older men, has been at the forefront of public debate in Saudi Arabia for a couple of years. It escalated early last year after it was reported that a man had contracted to give his eight-year-old daughter in marriage to a 47-year-old man in order to pay a financial debt. The contract was annulled after a public outcry.
Sheikh al Manie is believed to be the most senior cleric to unequivocally denounce the practice of child marriage. Prophet Mohammed’s marriage to young Aisha “cannot be equated with child marriages today because the conditions and circumstances are not the same”, he said in remarks published in the Saudi Gazette and Okaz newspapers on Thursday. “It is a grave error to burden a child with responsibilities beyond her years,” the sheikh said. “Marriage should be put off until the wife is of a mentally and physically mature age and can care for both herself and her family.”
Senator Ahmed Sani Yarima, Professor Ishaq Akintola and all those that continuosly give the impression that child marriage is acceptable in Islam and who erroneously believe that the honest criticism of such an abominable practice is an attack on their faith surely have much to learn from the contribution of this erudite Saudi Arabian leader and scholar. As a matter of fact we all do and it is contributions like that that make the rest of us appreciate what a beautiful religion islam really is when its tenets are properly understood and applied.
According to our Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Mrs. Zainab Maina, Nigeria has 800,000 cases of VVF today and we are adding 20,000 cases each year. All these cases are situated in the northern part of the country. Such diseases, such suffering, such illiteracy and such high levels of poverty of the mind and soul should have no place in any part of our great nation in this day and age. Our people, whether they be from the north or the south, Christian or Muslim, young or old and men or women, surely deserve better than that. After all we are living in the 21st century and not the 6th. Yet sadly these vices are more rampant in Yarima’s own northern region and constituency than anywhere else in the country and instead of attempting to improve on the lot, the education and quality of lives of the good people of the north all he thinks about is marrying little girls and bedding them. What a man and what a country. Outside of this contribution I have nothing more to say on this vexed and contentious issue of the horrendous plight of the girl-child and child marriage in Nigeria

Ex-Gov. Kalu threatens to sue Fashola over forced relocation of Igbos

A seven-day ultimatum has been given by the  former governor of Abia State, Chief Orji Uzor Kalu, to the Lagos State Government to offer an apology to the allegedly deported 67 persons of the Igbo ethnic group from Lagos to Onitsha in Anambra State or he would head to court in their interest saying there was no law  in the country, that gives a state or governor power to deport any Nigerian citizen to any part of the country.
Orji Kalu condemned the action of the state government as lawless and vexatious and further stated that it threatens the corporate existence of the country.
ThisDay reports:
In a statement made available to THISDAY Monday, Kalu said there was right to freedom of movement for every Nigerian as enshrined in Section 41 of the 1999 Constitution.
Besides, the former governor argued that it was an open secret that the Igbo contribute about 55 per cent to the Lagos economy.
“It is appalling to learn that the deported Igbo were even detained in Ikorodu for about six months before their illegal deportation.
“They were taken to Onitsha in four buses, escorted by anti-riot policemen,” he said.
One of them, Osondu Mbuto, a trader from Ohaozara in Ebonyi State, was on his way to his shop on December 18, 2012 when he was arrested by officials of the state’s Kick Against Indiscipline (KAI) and detained for no reason until he was deported in his father’s land.
“The reaction of the state government that the Igbo were deported to reunite them with their families was the worst insult to any race.
“Governor Fashola’s Special Adviser on Youths and Social Development, Dr. Enitan Dolapo Badru, said: ‘The end result is to reunite them back with their families.’
“What an affront against the collective will of Ndigbo or any other race in Nigeria to live and do business in any part of the country?
“The action of the state government is not only wicked but a clear breach of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended.
“To worsen the matter, most of those deported are not even indigenes of Anambra State. Is Anambra State now a dumping ground for any act of illegality? Is Lagos State Government above the law of the country? If not, can it operate another set of laws without recourse to constitution amendment? Is it not a travesty of justice that officers of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) were even used for this illegal act against the Nigerian state? Was the supervising officer, who allowed the deployment of the policemen, not told that they were going to be used for the deportation of Nigerians they were paid by tax payers’ money to protect in their fathers’ land?
“The action is a gross infraction to the rights of the deportees to dwell in any part of Nigeria without discrimination. With this wicked, crude and primitive deportation, I just wonder why a component unit of Nigeria, under the authority and supremacy of a constitution would choose to be lawless in such an unconstitutional conduct. Not even under the military would such an action have happened.
“Even if a criminal offence was committed, the place to take them to is the court, not for them to be deported. The action of the Lagos State Government is lawless as it is vexatious and I condemn it in strong terms because it threatens the existence of our country. All patriotic Nigerians should say no to this xenophobic action of Lagos State Government because it usurps the powers of the federal government and disregards our constitution.
“I demand a public apology from the governor within seven days to all those illegally deported and a repeat of such an act must be stopped or I will head to court to defend the interest of the Ndigbo in Lagos. Enough is enough.”

Photo: D’banj During His Lasu Epe Days

At the time when our own Oliver Twist crooner didn’t really know how bright his future was, this picture was taken. Is it very possible that a music loving Nigerian will not be able to spot Dbanj. Let’s see who get’s it first. The game is SPOT THE KOKO MASTER

How Obasanjo Gave His Lecturers Trouble As A Student Of NOUN – VC

The Vice Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Professor Vincent Ado Tenebe, on Monday gave a glimpse into former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s time as a student of the university, saying that he was very troublesome. Prof. Tenebe, who commended Chief Obasanjo for giving a new lease of life to NOUN in 2002 during his administration as president, recalled that as a student, he (Obasanjo) used to call his lecturers at midnight on academic matters, but noted that at the end, he did very well to pass his courses in Christian Religious Theology. The Vice Chancellor made this known during an interactive session organised by the Kaduna State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ). According to him, “President Obasanjo, when he became a student which he did by example, resuscitated the university. A good history of the university was that this university came into existence by an act of the National Assembly during the reign of President Shehu Shagari in 1982, unfortunately before the university could establish itself, the Military regime that took over suspended the act and that was the reason the university was in dormancy until when civilian rule under Obasanjo came on board and re cooperated the university in 2002 while in 2003, we started our academic programmes. “When Obasanjo became a student of the institution, he thought that it was an easy thing to do. When he was given all the courses, he realised it wasn’t easy and so he had to defer his admission. He said I would not take part in this until I finished my tenure as President and so he never studied while he was the President until he completed his tenure, then he started the course. He did a Post Graduate Diploma in Christian Theology. He was a very troublesome student because he will not start calling until 12 mid night and keep you online until about 2.00a.m. “Every time he gives us trouble, we pray that he graduates of which he did and his certificate was valid. In the course of his study, Obasanjo said he wanted to sit among the students” and quoted the former president as saying, “I want to do the same thing others are doing.” On if the examiners were not under any form of pressure while marking the former President’s script, Prof. Tenebe remarked: “Obasanjo was a very brilliant student and I can tell you there were lots of controversies when his papers were being marked. I won’t disclose the secret of how our papers are marked but it is marked from Port Harcourt to Lagos, Kano, Maiduguri and the markers will never know whose paper they are marking. So the old man is intelligent, his certificate is valid and was done according rules and regulations of the Nigerian University Commission (NUC).” On accreditation of courses in the university, NOUN VC said they had subjected 31 of their programmes to accreditation and had 30 of them, while the one that was denied accreditation was getting ready for the accreditation as NUC had gone through their book and certified that their Nursing programme was up to standard. “On that note, they’ve allowed us to graduate students and students of nursing also participated in our convocation. They graduated and were given our certificate. So if anybody is holding the certificate of NOUN as a graduate of Nursing, any employer can confirm that from the NUC. “Talking about school of Law, it is one of the youngest schools in NOUN and we are yet to graduate our students”, he said. “Some of our students are now getting to the final year, and like I told you earlier we have gone through the NUC accreditation and they have passed us. Now we are preparing for the Legal Council and Education and we are going to do that in conjunction with the NUC. And that I will continue to say that our law students are equal to the task, they can compete with any law students from any university in the world not only Nigeria.” “ I can assure you that by the time we will present our curriculum to the Legal Council and Education, I am confident that we are going to pass. As I speak to you there is what is called National Competition that all universities that have faculty of law compete every year. NOUN is currently the champion. I told you I have five VCs of other universities among my law students and an experienced Monarch,” he said.

How I Predicted The Death Of The Mother Of The First Lady! Tinubu Be Careful – Pastor Chris Warns

The General Overseer of Mountain of Liberation And Miracle Ministry, Pastor Chris Okafor has said he predicted the death of the mother of the first lady which recently happened.

It was said that the man of God predicted that, there will be death in the President’s household, and it was meant to take away someone close to them mysteriously but could be averted if they showed interest. He has also advised Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to beware because some of his strong opponent have vowed to ensure that he will not see May 29, 2015. Lastly, this one is for the people of Anambra State. Senator Chris Ngige is going to rule you again, the Pastor said.

(18+) TRUE STORY: Why I Became A Prostitute (PHOTOS)

22-year-old Nicole Parke borrowed a total of £500 from two companies in May last year after being made redundant from her full-time job as a hairdresser. Unable to find work, the mum of two needed the quick cash to pay for food and bills. But with her credit cards at maximum, a large overdraft and increasing interest on her loans, Nicole, from Hackney in east London, hit rock bottom. By the end of May the debt on the payday loans had risen to £1,175 and had taken the total she owed to her creditors to £20,000. With bailiffs knocking on her door, escorting seemed the only way to make money quick enough to control her mounting debt. She signed up to an online escorting agency and within a week she was entertaining her first client. She says: “I never imagined my life would end up the way it did.
“I’ve always been independent so having to turn to payday loans to be able to feed my family and pay the rent was terrifying. “I thought it would solve my problems but it just made things worse. “With £5,000 nursery fees, £5,000 on my credit cards, my overdraft, rent arrears, utility arrears, council tax and two payday loans, I ended up £20,000 in debt. Escorting was a last resort, the only way I could get paid fast enough to stop the interest from mounting.” Nicole created a profile on the escorting site using the name Tami. She says: “When I called the agency I was shaking but I thought if I didn’t go ahead with it I might end up homeless. “While it was a relief to know I’d finally have some money coming in, the overriding feeling was fear. “I met my first client at a hotel. I wore my tightest dress, a push-up bra, stockings, high heels and had my bag packed with condoms. “I’d started pulling out my hair with the anxiety of my mounting debt and this just made it worse. I wondered if the man would kill me or beat me up.” Despite her fears, Nicole went ahead with the arranged meeting in June 2012, a month after taking out her first payday loan. She explains: “As he opened the door, my client smiled and looked me up and down and I knew he was interested in one thing only. “I let him undress me and we slept together. It was horrible but luckily he didn’t last long. “He didn’t talk afterwards, he just thrust £100 at me, opened the door and I left. I was relieved I hadn’t got hurt and having £100 meant I had enough money to keep us going for another week and pay off some of the interest.” After that first appointment Nicole was seeing clients three to four nights a week and earning around £1,800 a month. It was enough to begin to pay off her debts, bills and feed her family. She says: “I told friends I was doing various jobs, never the truth, and they’d babysit my kids. At the end of my first month I was close to quitting as I’d almost paid off all my interest and thought I’d be OK. “But when one of my kids asked if he could go to playschool, I went out escorting that night so I’d have the money for it.” She eventually made enough to clear the debt of the payday loans. In September 2012, Nicole saw her last client and has since begun looking for hairdressing work. She says: “I’ve been looking for another job ever since. Although I just manage to pay the bills with my Jobseeker’s Allowance, I’m never going back to escorting. “I live in a hostel with my children now but I’ve not given up hope of building a better future. “We might not be rich but we’re healthy and we’re getting by.”

Nollywood Actress, Danielle Okeke Displays Her Curvy Backside At Movie Premiere (PHOTOS)

Nollywood actress, Danielle Okeke, known for her very curvy behind has put her ample backside on display again at the “Torn” movie premiere.

Observe Your Children, Gay People Are On The Prowl In Makurdi, Gov. Suswam Warns Parents

Governor Gabriel Suswam of Benue state has flayed the proliferation of activities of homosexuals in society just as the Benue State Agency for the Control of Aids (BSACA) uncovered the existence of a 400 member gay club in Makurdi, the state capital. Suswam, who called on parents to keep close watch on their children as they grow older especially ones that tend to show more than a passing interest in the same s*x other than the opposite, tasked the Church to lead the campaign against the unholy activity in Nigeria. Gov. Suswam made this known on Sunday at a special thanksgiving service in honour of his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Beautification, Dorcas Depuun at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, North Bank, Makurdi. According to him, “These things are happening out there, homosexuality is true and it is happening in our society that is why parents must take more than a passing interest in their children that are of age and are tilting towards fellows of the same s*x other than the opposite.” The governor observed that “Gay activities and marriage is a misnomer because every organ has a function and as long as it was used for the purpose other than that for which it was created by God then it’s not right because all things created by God are perfect. “These things are happening out there with our children right here in Makurdi; it is a disease; a hormonal problem”, adding that “I get headaches from hearing such issues. “I urge the church to continue to caution the people especially our upcoming youths against falling into this baneful trap because it connotes evil which is in total negation of the dictates and will of God for man because if same s*x were allowed, then the aim of producing children as commanded by God would be defeated.”

Turning Point: How the ‘World’s Hottest P0*nstar’ Found God In A Church

She was known as the world’s hottest P0*n star, with over 275 starring roles behind her – but now Jenna Presley has turned her back on the adult industry that left her suicidal and embraced God thanks to a campaigning church.

After seven years of filming s*x scenes up to three times a day, Presley’s life fell off the rails as she descended into a drink and drugs fuelled depression – before she met members of the anti-P0*n XXXChurch at a convention. Known for picketing P0*n sets and conventions to hand out Bible’s titled, ‘Jesus Loves P0*n Stars’, the XXXChurch managed to convince Presley, whose real name is Brittni Ruiz, 26, that she should choose God over a career in the s*x industry. Speaking in a YouTube video released over the weekend to mark her re-birth as a Christian, Ruiz emphatically declares, ‘Thank you, Jesus! I found him, I’m home.’ ‘It’s been a long seven-year journey of P0*n, prostitution, stripping, drugs, alcohol and several failed suicide attempts.’ In an interview with Rachel Collins, who Ruiz met at p****graphy conventions, the former P0*n star tells the XXXChurch member how she entered the P0*n industry at the age of 18. Before that she began her career at a unclad dancer in Mexico where she was recruited by a talent scout from the P0*n industry. Beginning shooting P0*n almost the second she became 18, Ruiz made her first start in X-rated hardcore movies, shooting up to three s*x scenes a day, being paid around $900 for each movie. Her career took off. In 2006, she came in second place on ‘Jenna’s American s*x Star’, a reality TV show hosted by P0*n legend Jenna Jameson. In 2010, Maxim magazine named her one of the top 12 hottest P0*n stars in the world. On filming her first scene, Ruiz said, ‘I felt so loved that day because I was put in hair and makeup. I was told I was beautiful. I was going to be a star.’ However, Ruiz was introduced to the seedy and desperate side of the P0*n industry very soon afterwards as producers made her work relentlessly and dressed her up to look extremely young. ‘I already looked like I was 12,’ said Ruiz. ‘It’s disgusting how they can portray you as a little girl. It’s complete perversion.’ Losing her self respect, the P0*nographic industry began to have a debilitating effect on Ruiz’s life. ‘It left me feeling drained,’ said Ruiz, who turned to drink and drugs to numb her pain. ‘I was so robotic, I was like a rubber Barbie doll. I had no emotions, I was no longer Brittni. I became Jenna Presley. I had an alter ego.' Ruiz made an attempt to get her life back in order and met a man at church in San Diego, who she began dating. Tragically though, he was killed in front of her at a Las Panchos restaurant by members of a motorcycle gang. ‘He got murdered, stabbed in front of me,’ said Ruiz. Traumatized by this, Ruiz fell into a destructive spiral of drinking and using drugs and attempted to kill herself. 
‘Jesus Loves P0*n Stars’ – The XXXChurch – Anti-p****graphy Campaigners
XXXChurch.com was founded online in January 2002 by Pastor Craig Gross. He noticed a recurring issue during his work as a pastor in Southern California – an addiction to p****graphy. This inspired him to create XXXchurch.com, a non-profit website that aims to help those struggling with p****graphy addiction. The online church made its first appearance at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas where they set up a booth to encourage P0*nstars to leave the industry. Craig Gross also regularly debates male P0*n star Ron Jeremy on campuses across the United States. The popular event was featured on ABC News’ Nighline show and was the most watched in Nightline’s online viewing history Left feeling ‘robotic’ and ‘emotionless’ following that first attempt – Ruiz tried and failed to take her own life at least once more. ‘I felt so hopeless and so empty inside that I turned to drugs to numb my pain, to get me through,’ she said in the interview with Collins. It was at her lowest ebb that Ruiz met with Collins at a P0*n convention and the two began talking. XXXChurch was founded by Craig Gross in January 2002 and is designed to help Christian’s who struggle with p****graphy. Collins says that the organization’s goal is to bring ‘these amazing women the knowledge that somebody cares and loves them.’ They attend P0*n conventions handing out Bible’s entitled ‘Jesus Loves P0*n Stars’, hoping to recruit new members. The organization describes itself as ‘the #1 Christian P0*n site designed to bring awareness, openness and accountability to those affected by p****graphy.’ Convinced by the message of Collins and The XXXChurch, Ruiz filmed her last s*x scene in November 2012 and left the industry to start work for a limousine company. ‘It was seven long years,’ she told Collins. ‘I hated what I was doing, but I wondered what I would do next.’ Relieved to have left her life in p****graphy behind, Ruiz said, ‘I never found love in my life and was looking for it in all the wrong place….I have finally encountered the unconditional love of God, And I will never go back.’  In an open letter to the XXXChurch, Brittni thanked Rachel Collins for her help in leaving the church. ‘I don’t know if she realizes how she impacted me or not,’ says Brittni. “But her being so kind and nonjudgmental always felt so good.
‘I never felt love in my life and was looking for it in all the wrong places,’ she says. ‘It felt great to speak to a woman as beautiful as Rachel who would tell me that I was her favourite, and to just have a regular non-P0*n girl talk. Please tell her that I thank her from the bottom of my heart.’
In spiron.

Why Anambra Has Enjoyed 3 Weeks Of Uninterrupted Power Supply – Ngige

The Vice-Chairman, Senate Committee on Power and Steel, Senator Chris Ngige, has assured that there would be improvement in power supply across the country soon. The senator, representing Anambra Central District, gave the assurance while fielding questions from journalists in Awka on Tuesday. According to him, the Independent Power Plant (IPP) programme being carried out by government is aimed at alleviating the suffering of Nigerians over the epileptic power supply in the country. The senator assured that the IPP programmes would save small and medium scale industries from closing shops. Ngige assured that Awka residents would soon begin to enjoy improved power supply with the new transmission line at Agu-Awka power station coming on stream. He said the Agu-Awka power station, a new transmission line in Anambra, was already being test-run for the past three weeks, and would be officially commissioned soon. “This is part of the Independent Power Plant (IPP) programme of the Federal Government on the power sector. “What we have in Agu-Awka power station is a new transmission line under a test run and that explains why in the past three weeks major parts of the state capital have been enjoying uninterrupted power supply,’’ the News Agency of Nigeria quoted Ngige as saying to journalists on Tuesday. He said that it had helped to reduce transformers’ overloading in the state capital and improved power supply to the neighbouring communities of Nibo, Mbaukwu, Umuawulu and Amawbia towns of Awka South Local Government Area. (NAN)

Multiple blasts targeting revelers kill over 30 people

No fewer than 30 people have died in the twin bomb explosions that rocked the Northern Nigerian city of Kano Monday night, according to reports. Some reports even spoke of four separate blasts. P.M.NEWS correspondent quoted a witness of the blast at The New Road that over 30 people died, while many were injured. Another blast targeted Ibo/Enugu street, in Sabon Gari, a strip filled with outdoor bars and eateries. The explosions bore the imprimatur of the militant Boko Haram sect that has vowed to Islamise northern Nigeria. “There is confusion all over the place. There were four huge explosions, so huge that they shook the whole area. Everywhere is enveloped in smoke and dust,” said Chinyere Madu, a fruit vendor, in a report by AFP. “We have had some explosions in Sabon Gari this evening,” Kano state Police Commissioner Musa Daura said, referring to the neighbourhood previously targetted by Boko Haram Islamists. “I can confirm six dead and six others injured.” Resident Kola Oyebanji said he believed “beer parlours” were the target. “My house is not far from there,” he told AFP. “All my windows are shattered.” Kano had been target of terrorist attacks since the 20 January 2012 multiple attacks that killed over 180 people. This year, the eve of the anniversary of the 2012 attacks, the convoy of the Emir Ado Bayero was attacked by gunmen. Five persons were killed. And on 18 March, a bus terminus for inter-state journeys was also bombed, with over 75 people dying and many luxury buses gutted by fire.

Man Impregnates Daughter 4 Times

An award-winning music director who impregnated one of his daughters four times has been found guilty and will spend the rest of his life in jail, reports Daily Mail online. Aswad Ayinde, 55, also known as Charles McGill of Paterson, NJ, was sentenced to 50 years in prison Friday after being found guilty in the second of five expected trials in which he is accused of repeatedly raping his six daughters, resulting in six children being fathered. He also fathered 12 additional children with an additional three women, according to court records Mr. Ayinde, whose name sounds western Nigerian, was found guilty in his latest trial of having intercourse with one of his daughters when she was as young as eight-years-old. The second sentence adds to the 40-year sentence Mr Ayinde received in a 2011 trial for sexually assaulting a separate daughter. Mr. Ayinde is known for directing the music video for the Fugees 1996 smash hit Killing Me Softly. In a disturbing disclosure during his first trial, Mr. Ayinde’s former wife said he was trying to create a ‘pure family bloodline’ by impregnating his daughters. He even claimed during a pre-trial hearing before the first trial that ‘the world was going to end, and it was just going to be him and his offspring and that he was chosen.’
In this latest trial, it was revealed that Mr. Ayinde began having intercourse with his second daughter from the time she was eight-years-old, impregnating her four times. The sexual assaults happened for almost 30 years until Mr. Ayinde and his wife separated, officials said. They occurred in numerous homes across northern New Jersey, even while the family was under watch of state child welfare officials, according to NBC New York. Some of the rapes even took place in an abandoned funeral home. The family moving as far away as Florida to avoid investigation after case workers removed multiple children from the Ayinde household in 2000, resulting in Mr. Ayinde being arrested for kidnapping for trying to take them from state custody in a medical centre, NBC New York reported.
He pleaded guilty to lesser charges and received a year’s probation – as he continued raping one daughter for at least another two years, according to officials. The depraved father also beat and starved the girls using wooden boards and steel-toed boots for even ‘minor transgressions,’ Ayinde’s wife testified at the first trial. Some of the children Ayinde fathered with his daughters were born in the home, with at least two babies who died in the home having been buried without notifying authorities or obtaining birth certificates, NBC New York reported. Ayinde’s tortured daughters were home schooled and isolated from other children, so as to keep the family secrets hidden, the station added. With his wife too afraid to confront him, Mr. Ayinde carried out his evil plan without hindrance even while directing the music video for the Fugees 1996 breakout hit Killing Me Softly, for which he won  ‘Best R&B Video’ at the 1996 MTV Music Video Awards. The Fugees are also originally from Northern New Jersey. Mr. Ayinde faces three more trials over the alleged assaults.

Brazil: Bare-breasted protest for the Pope only

Protesters pose as they demonstrate against the Catholic Church and in favour of abortion during the landmark visit of Pope Francis to Brazil, as hundreds of thousands of young Catholic pilgrims attending World Youth Day (WYD) gather at Copacabana beach for a prayer vigil with the pontiff, on July 27, 2013. AFP PHOTO /

Judge sacked over false date of birth

Nigeria’s National Judicial Council on Monday announced the compulsory retirement of the Acting Chief Judge of Abia state, Justice Shadrack O.E. Nwanosike over the falsification of his date of birth.
The council found that Nwanosike falsified his date of birth which invariably affected his retirement age and ordered him to embark on a compulsory retirement. The council, in a press release signed by Mr. Soji Oye, the Acting Director of Information and made available to newsmen in Abuja, stated that the compulsory retirement slammed on the Abia state Acting Chief Judge was part of the recommendation of the council at its meeting presided by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Aloma Mariam Mukhtar, held on 17th & 18th July. The Council during the meeting also considered and deliberated on the Report of its Committee on Performance Evaluation of Judicial Officers of the Superior Courts of Record in the Federation at the end of which it constituted a five-man Committee comprising its members to invite Judicial Officers with “Very Low Performance or Non-Performance”, to appear before it to show cause why they should not be removed from office. The press statement also indicated that the council considered and recommended the appointment of some Judicial Officers in the Federal & States Judiciaries to the Executive, respectively. The recommendations were for the appointment of a substantive Chief Judge for the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja which the council made to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Chief Judge, Rivers State, Chief Judge, Jigawa state, Chief Judge, Katsina state which were made to their respective governors. Others are for the appointment of President of Customary Court of Appeal in Taraba state, two Khadis for the Sharia Court of Appeal in Kebbi state, two Khadis for the Sharia Court of Appeal in Sokoto state, one Judge for the Customary Court of Appeal in Delta state and two Judges for the Customary Court of Appeal in Ebonyi state.

Breaking news: Twin bomb blasts in Kano

Two bomb explosions have occurred in the northern Nigerian city of Kano, despite talks that the Boko Haram terrorists had agreed to a ceasefire, in the spirit of Ramadan. The first bomb went off at about 9.12 p.m Monday night around Ibo/Enugu Road near the International Hotel in Sabongari area of the city, setting off great panic, with the level of casualties yet to be ascertained. Almost simultaneously, on New Road, opposite the Emir Ado Bayero Square, a second bomb also exploded. It happened about 9.15 p.m. P.M News reporter who went round the two explosion sites, said he counted dozens of people sprawled on the floor, with many of them soaked in blood. But the number of fatalities could not be ascertained. A witness of The New Road blast told P.M. News that close to 30 people died. But The AFP reported that six persons died in both explosions. Kano had been target of terrorist attacks since the 20 January 2012 multiple attacks that killed over 180 people. This year, the eve of the anniversary of the 2012 attacks, the convoy of the Emir Ado Bayero was attacked by gunmen. Five persons were killed. And on 18 March, a bus terminus for inter-state journeys was also bombed, with over 75 people dying and many luxury buses gutted by fire.

Man kills wife over killed snake

A middle age Nigerian, Godwin Idon, has beaten his wife, Mrs Marvis Idon, to death for killing a snake inside their home in Uzebba-Iuleha, Owan-West Local Government Area, Edo state. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that serious quarrel ensued between the couple after one of their sons had allegedly killed a snake in their living room. The husband was said to have been infuriated by the action which he described as a taboo in the community. NAN reports that after a week of quarrel, the wife in company of her mother-in-law decided to seek the intervention of a native doctor to know the implication of the son’s action. It was when she returned that the husband accused her of foul-play and subsequently hit the wife on the head with a plank during a fight before the woman collapsed and died. The remains of the deceased, who died on the spot, had been deposited in a morgue in Sabongidda-Ora, headquarters of the council. The Police Area Commander, Mr David Jimwang, who confirmed the incident, told NAN that the man has been arrested and transferred to the state police command, Benin for further investigation.

I am now officially divorced – Chika Ike

Nollywood actress, Chika Ike, is now officially a single woman. She made use of her official Facebook page, to make the announcement, last night. Chika had filed for divorce about two months ago from her husband, Tony Eberiri in an Abuja High Court. The divorce was granted on Friday, July 26th, 2013. Chika and Tony had been married since 2006.

I Am Not Dead O….Veteran Actress Bukky Ajayi.

Veteran actress and broadcaster, Bukky Ajayi, has debunked the rumour spreading on social media that she is dead.
In a phone interview this morning, the aged actress said that she is hale and hearty and therefore urged her fans to ignore the rumour. “My son, I was surprised to hear the rumour as well. About four people had called me concerning this issue, but I didn’t take it seriously until my daughter and her husband also called. I’m hale and hearty, and nothing is wrong with me,” she said. She further explained that “if it was at a point when I was ill, perhaps, I won’t be surprised. But I’m very much okay now, that’s why I’m wondering where the rumour emanated from.” There were reports over the weekend on the thespian’s health status. While some reported that she is critically ill, others said she is dead. But the Village Headmaster star, who started her career in the 60s, has denied it all.

Husband Allegedly Poisons Wife For Being Barren

THE Police in Ondo State have arrested a 47-year-old bricklayer, Damilare Olotu, for allegedly poisoning his wife, Mary, for being barren. The 45-year-old Mary who hailed from Kwara State was a trader and had been having running battle with the suspect over her inability to conceive. Reports had it that following the condition of the deceased the suspect married a second wife, Kemi, from Igbara Oke area of the state who bore him two children. The suspect who is from Akure used to live with the deceased in Ibuji, Ifedore council area of the state. It was alleged that the second wife reportedly insisted on packing into the suspect’s house but the deceased resisted. The junior brother to the deceased, Mr. Lawrence Omotosho, told newsmen that the suspect and the second wife connived to poison his sister. According to him, the sister had told him that the suspect had threatened to kill her. Omotosho asked the police to investigate the matter thoroughly and bring the culprit to book. Also the only child of the deceased from her former marriage, Shola Olatunji who is an undergraduate in Kogi State said the family of her late mother warned her not to re-marry but she refused. Contacted, the police image maker, Wole Ogodo, said investigation into Mary’s death ws on-going, noting that the case has been transfered from Igbara Oke to the headquarters in Akure for further investigation. Meanwhile, the corpse of the deceased has been deposited in mortuary for autopsy.

PHOTO: See Made-In-Nigeria Bomb Detonating Robot

This bomb detonating robot was produced by the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Technology. It is remotely controlled and has night vision. What do you think?

Royal Baby’s Nickname Revealed

Prince Charles has given his new grandson’s name the royal seal of approval, describing George as a ‘very good name’ and admitting to onlookers that he had a new nickname for the new born.
According to him, George will be called “Georgie” in no time. Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were congratulated on the new arrival by throngs of wellwishers at the Whitstable Oyster Festival in Kent – a week on from the eagerly anticipated royal birth. The couple were showered with gifts for Prince George including a tiny lemon T-shirt which Charles can pass on to the baby as a souvenir from his trip to the festival

At Least Six Killed As Blasts, Gunfire Rock Kano

At least 10 people have been killed in a series of explosions which occurred at Igbo Road/Enugu Road and on New Road, opposite Ado Bayero Square in Kano, officials say. Witnesses said the blasts shook a Christian neighbourhood that has previously been attacked by militants from the Islamist group Boko Haram. Police also say a number of people were injured in the blasts, which occurred late on Monday evening. “We have had some explosions in Sabon Gari this evening,” Kano state Police Commissioner Musa Daura said. He also claimed that only six persons were killed during the blasts, while six others were injured. The blasts came less than 24 hours after the State Security Service (DSS) raised security threat levels in the country, especially the seat of power in Abuja following credible intelligence reports of plans to carry out bombings as the Ramadan fasting period nears its end. According to eyewitnesses, multiple blasts struck the predominantly Christian district at around 9: 30 pm, in an area where people had gathered to enjoy the city’s nightlife; a feature that was fast disappearing before calm was restored back to Kano. One witness told the Associated Press news agency that one of the blasts appeared to come from a Mercedes-Benz parked next to a kiosk selling alcohol and soft drinks. Though no group has officially claimed responsibility for this latest attack, it is generally believed to have been carried out by Boko Haram, whose last major attack in the city was in March when a suicide bomber attacked a popular bus station in the same Sabon Gari area.