Saturday 5 October 2013

'My Obituary' - By Charly Boy

A new article as written by Charles Oputa; "My Obituary." Right about now, some of the readers will question the sense in capturing and casting this type of crazy captions for my articles. I only write for those who are patient enough to understand the creative beauty of my mind. I write for those who have depth enough to see beyond what they see, those who have a discerning mind.
However, if your curiosity has gotten the better of you, then read on.

First Class Graduate Shot Dead By Cop

A 30-year old first class graduate of Economics from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Moses Murtala Aminu, has been shot dead by a policeman. The victim had left his 67, Ahmadu Ahijo Street, Narayi-Highcost family residence last week Sunday full of life for a party at Barnawa , Kaduna, but could not return home as he was killed by a police constable.

Sad news: Ex-Rivers Speaker, Tonye Harry dies

The Immediate past speaker of Rivers State House of Assembly, Tonye Harry has passed on. According to sources, Hon. Harry was said to have slumped while exercising in the gym this week. It was also gathered that there were attempts by the  Rivers State Government to fly him to Paris for medical attention, but he was declared clinically dead before he could be airlifted. 

One Year Remembrance Of The 'ALUU 4' murder today

 It's exactly one year since these four young students of the University of Port Harcourt were brutally murdered in Aluu community in Port Harcourt, Rivers State (they were killed Friday morning Oct. 5th 2012).

SPOTTED: Rita Dominic and Mikel Obi In London

Rita Dominic is currently in London and posted a picture of herself and international football star, Mikel Obi.

CHRISTINA MILAN Gets Drunk, She Lífts Up Her Skírt And SHOWS Her PÁNT!!

Christina Milian overdid it with the champagne at the club the other night. She started off OK . . . but after a few glasses she went from TURN'T . . to BURN'T!!

No Going Back: Qatar Hosts 2022 World Cup as Fifa Sets Up Task Force on Hosting Modalities.

The president of the world football governing body (Fifa) Sepp Blatter confirms the 2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar and that a commission will be set up to look into all of the impacts of moving the tournament from its original June/July date to a safer one. Temperatures can hit 50ºC in Qatar in summer, which has prompted Fifa to consider medical information about the effects of heat on players, officials and spectators.

How Prophet TB Joshua Predicted Agagu’s Plane Crash In Lagos

One man that has remained consistent over the years in his prophesies and predictions is Prophet TB Joshua, no matter what a few people say about him, he has continued to do all that he know best to do in life. Last Sunday, during his live Sunday service, TB Joshua said: His church members should fast and pray, specifically on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (the day of the Agagu’s corpse plane crash). His reason? He told his congregation that he saw ‘a gathering of TEARS’. Agagu’s village people also confirmed that they saw the same revelation and prayed and fasted but sadly there was nothing they could do to forestall the unfortunate incident.