Friday 16 August 2013

Lagos Neighbourhood In Shock As Police Find Man’s Decomposing Body In His Apartment

The shocking discovery of a man’s decomposing corpse in his apartment at 9, Ezemegbu Drive, Okota area of Lagos is now being investigated by the Lagos State Police Command, with arrest of two persons, a security guard attached to the building and a woman having been effected already, in connection with the discovery.
According to reports, the deceased identified as Sylvanus Ikelie Okoye, from Abidi Umu Ochi, in Anambra State who was a trader in Lagos Island, was last seen two weeks ago, his whereabouts unknown and his apartment under lock and key.
Residents said stench from the corpse had filled the area, but no one suspected it was that of a decomposing corpse until yesterday.
An eyewitnesses who spoke to Vanguard said the landlord of the three-storey building met the guard discussing in hush tone with someone. Out of curiosity, he was said to have requested to know what the discussion was all about, only for the security man to inform him that Okoye’s keys and phone were handed over to him two weeks ago.
The landlord was said to have contacted policemen at Ago division who visited the house, comprising eight flats. When Okoye’s apartment was opened, it was a gory sight as his decomposing body was found on the floor, with a pestle and a knife suspected to have been used to murder the 39-year-old man found on the bed.
“The landlord said they have been perceiving foul odour which they assumed was from a dead rat. The security man said a woman who sells provision downstairs gave him, Okoye’s key and phone. On her part, we heard she said the items were given to her by an unknown visitor to keep for the owner.
“Everyone who knew him described him as an easy going fellow and an introvert. We were all surprised that a thing like this happened without anyone’s knowledge until now,” a resident who preferred anonymity said.
Appealing to the police to carry out a thorough investigation to ascertain the cause of his brother’s death and bring the perpetrators to book, Paul Okoye, who was invited by the police said he did not know that his brother had been missing since two weeks. According to him, Okoye was not married.
“I was called by the landlord that they have not seen my brother for sometime and that his phone and house key were in their custody. I rushed to his place and when we opened the door to his flat, we saw his body smelling. A rope was tied to his neck,with a pestle and a knife on his bed,Unknown persons murdered him,” Paul said.
He added: “We are confused now; we have called in the police from Okota Police Station and they have collected the knife and pestle. What I am craving for now is justice. Police should investigate this matter and prosecute all involved.
“We were told that the mallam who guards their house was not around on that fateful day, so a certain man dropped the key to my brother’s house and his telephone handset with a woman who sells in front of the house.”

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