Tuesday 30 July 2013

Breaking news: Twin bomb blasts in Kano

Two bomb explosions have occurred in the northern Nigerian city of Kano, despite talks that the Boko Haram terrorists had agreed to a ceasefire, in the spirit of Ramadan. The first bomb went off at about 9.12 p.m Monday night around Ibo/Enugu Road near the International Hotel in Sabongari area of the city, setting off great panic, with the level of casualties yet to be ascertained. Almost simultaneously, on New Road, opposite the Emir Ado Bayero Square, a second bomb also exploded. It happened about 9.15 p.m. P.M News reporter who went round the two explosion sites, said he counted dozens of people sprawled on the floor, with many of them soaked in blood. But the number of fatalities could not be ascertained. A witness of The New Road blast told P.M. News that close to 30 people died. But The AFP reported that six persons died in both explosions. Kano had been target of terrorist attacks since the 20 January 2012 multiple attacks that killed over 180 people. This year, the eve of the anniversary of the 2012 attacks, the convoy of the Emir Ado Bayero was attacked by gunmen. Five persons were killed. And on 18 March, a bus terminus for inter-state journeys was also bombed, with over 75 people dying and many luxury buses gutted by fire.

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