Wednesday 16 October 2013

Lagos Explains Why ‘Sealed’ Lord’s Chosen Church Held Services

After the Lagos State task force on the environment announced shut down of the headquarters of The Lord’s Chosen and Charismatic Revival Church in Ijesha, on Oshodi Apapa Expressway, the church still held Sunday worship and other activities, to the chagrin of those who lauded the government’s action…more so, as the church authorities denied the government shut down the church.
The government has now disclosed that services which held in the church were made possible because of a moratorium granted the church for special programmes.
Commissioner for the Environment, Mr. Tunji Bello, who gave the explanation, said the moratorium which followed an application by the church authorities, expired yesterday.
He insisted that the church was closed down to prevent imminent outbreak of killer diseases in the area and the state at large as well as serve as deterrent to others.
Officials of the state Ministry of the Environment had last week, sealed the headquarters of the church over alleged gross environmental abuse and erection of structures on Odo Asimawu Drainage Channel, System 6c, an allegation residents of the area and commuters have regarded as true.

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