Saturday 7 September 2013

Covenant University Bans Female Students From Wearing Make Up And High Heels

Social media was in a frenzy as Covenant University students received another shocker from the management of the institution. The institution which is plagued by rules like the days of Moses in the land of Egypt received the latest rule stating that female university students are not allowed to wear make up. A lot of disappointed male and female students who appreciate the role make up plays in the life of the average woman took to social media to vent their frustrations on the schools management that unilaterally makes laws without taking into cognizance the emotional, or psychological well being of the students.  The university administration which is never short of creative, ‘world-changing’ rules to conjure also banned the women-folk from wearing high heels in the school that is widely regarded as a glorified secondary school.
It is understood that the female lecturers and management staff are not to be affected by the rules, but female students are supposed to eschew makeup in order to be able to receive a greater impartation of ‘grace’. Ahahahhahhah
It’s the era of a whole new level of grace and the institution plans to take them there.
Checkout some of the tweets on social media in protest of the rules below...

Ketandu KK Ezeji ‏@OfficialKK_ 19h
Covenant University Stay Acting Like Dressing Equals Salvation. You Can’t Come Into My Heaven If Your Shoes Are Red.
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PRO/Creativist ‏@TheRealVyne 19h
- Who goes to heaven for wearing black shoes or no makeup? Lol. Please explain to me. I’ll wait. @JacobsIdowu4 @estiville
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PRO/Creativist ‏@TheRealVyne 19h
- Sleep & Wake up CU students, it’s only a dream…. Or not )-:
PRO/Creativist ‏@TheRealVyne 19h
- One day they’ll riot….. One day….. Never actually )-: #CuPains
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Its Marvin; Biatch! ‏@duke_of_kellogs 18h
Lmao! *Dies* “@Tolu_Moula: :”( RT @KjSunmon: Lol. Covenant university 2014 Endurance set”
The Eccentric Imp. ‏@Cyntheeya 19h
Covenant University is not a University. More like a reform center for “bad children”.
PRO/Creativist ‏@TheRealVyne 19h
- ……They should for ONCE conduct a DEPRESSION test.
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Ketandu KK Ezeji ‏@OfficialKK_ 19h
Covenant University Gets It Wrong A Lot of The Time I’m Not Sorry To Say. Plus Ouch Some Invisible Lightening Just Struck Me.
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PRO/Creativist ‏@TheRealVyne 19h
- Cu is losing focus. Christianity isn’t an issue of appearance. God hasn’t stopped looking at HEARTS.
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Moby V ‏@bookjunk1e 19h
Covenant University will break you. Take every single shred of endurance you have and deliberately shoot it to hell.

Culled from The Herald

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