Monday 5 August 2013

Illuminati: Locals call Beyonce and Jay Z Demons in Washington D.C.

It is no longer news that most religious people think power couple Jay Z and Beyonce are occultic and belong to the acclaimed evil cult – Illuminati.
However, this is officially the first time any individual has publicly accused the couple.
Two protesters, probably husband and wife, held cardboard papers with words written on them accusing the infamous couple.
They stood outside The Mrs. Carter Show at the Verizon Center in Washington D.C. warning  Mrs Obama and the general public that Beyonce and Jay Z were possessed by demons.
Founder of the Pray at the Pump movement, Rocky Twyman, tells
“We believe that this couple is virtually destroying our youth. If you go on the Internet, you’ll see stories about how they’re both part of the Illuminati and you can see Jay-Z’s use of the Satanic triangle symbol when he performs.”
“Jay-Z even declared himself to be God by referring to himself as Jehovah, and we don’t think that this is the image that our young people need to be glorifying.”
The pastor also hopes his movement will catch on with protests in every city on the rest of Beyonce’s tour.

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