Wednesday 28 August 2013

If Arsenal want Ozil, Wenger needs to move quickly

Whisper it so softly, but there’s just a chance that Tottenham’s apparently imminent deal to sell Gareth Bale to Real Madrid may inadvertently help their north London neighbours, Arsenal to break the club’s transfer log jam. Whilst the summer has been a depressing one of perpetual hope and disappointment for the Gooners, the twilight f the window just may bring some relief.
On Sunday, German international Mesut Ozil was substituted for Real Madrid when playing a fairly routine La Liga game against Granada. It’s the sort of change that happens in the majority of top level games. Ozil’s reaction however was somewhat less than normal however. With an hour on the clock, the board went up with the German’s number on, and he reacted by storming down the tunnel, with barely a look to his team’s bench. It’s reported in the Mirror online that he then showered and went straight to the team bus. The same article reports that the player is less than happy at reports that his services are being touted around Europe in order to raise funds for the Bale deal. This is where Arsenal could step in.
Already with a German presence at the emirates in Ozil’s international colleagues Mertersacker and Podolski, Arsene Wenger may see Ozil as an avhievable target; especially as they have now confirmed their Champions’ League participation for the sixteenth consecutive season. A clever midfielder with an eye for a goal, Ozil would fit nicely into the Arsenal format of a player. There may be two downsides however. Firstly the player would be looking, depending on the layout of Wenger’s formation, to take one of potentially two central midfield berths that are currently contested by Wilshere, Ramsey and Arteta. Although, there’s little doubt that Wenger is astute enough to make it work if he can secure the signing. More of a problem may be accommodating the player’s financial demands, reported to be in the region of £200k per week. Clearly, this would drive a coach and horses through the Arsenal pay structure, but may just be what the club need to do if they are to attract this calibre of player.
It will be an extra measure of satisfaction for the goners, if Spurs losing a star player result in Arsenal gaining one. What would please them most though is that by signing Ozil, they would have a declaration that the club can still attract the highest calibre of talent. One word of caution however. It’s understood that Manchester United are also interested in Ozil. Arsenal will need to avoid any dithering over a move for the player if they are convinced he is the one they want. Failure to do so, could mean another disappointment, if United swoop instead.

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