Thursday 1 August 2013

Couple, Baby, Motorcyclist Crushed To Death By Commercial Bus In Lagos

Four persons were yesterday crushed by a commercial bus along Sagamu road, in Ikorodu area of Lagos. The deceased, included a man, his wife, their one and half-year-old baby and the commercial motorcyclist. A commercial bus (danfo) was said to have rammed into a motorbike which was conveying the family of three. The driver of the commercial bus zoomed off, abandoning the victims in the middle of the road, according to an eyewitness. “It was a pathetic sight this morning. What attracted us was a bang and before we knew what was happening, we saw the motorcyclist, a man, his wife and their male child sprawled on the ground. They were flung in different directions on the road.
“Another vehicle even ran over the man. To avoid further damage to the corpses, people started flagging down vehicles plying the route. Just then, some policemen from Sagamu division arrived the scene and took the bodies away,” an eyewitness, Adewusi Oladimeji told Vanguard. The policemen reportedly found an identity card on the commercial motorcyclist bearing the name Olatunji. One of the sympathizers was said to have identified the passenger and his wife as Mr and Mrs Yaya Mogaji, and the baby as the couple’s one and half-year-old baby, their only child. The bodies were said to have been removed by the policemen including the wrecked motorbike. Investigation, according to police sources, was ongoing with a view to apprehending the fleeing driver of the commercial bus.

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