Friday 9 August 2013

Christians And Muslims Must Live Together – Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday assured that those predicting that Nigeria will ‘separate’ would be let down because the things that unite Nigerians are greater than those that divide them.
Mr. Jonathan made this known while receiving Vice President Namadi Sambo, who led the Muslim community in Abuja to pay him the annual Sallah homage, faulted the United States report that predicted that Nigeria will break up on or before 2015.
Hailing the Muslim ummah for successfully observing the Ramadan fast which he described as ‘tempting period’, the President urged them to continue to pray for peace in Nigeria and all over the world.
President Jonathan, who observed that fasting wasn’t an easy task, revealed that he participated in the 30 days fasting every year in solidarity with Muslims in the country.
According to him, “For us, we cannot imagine a Nigeria without Muslims and Christians; you can call it another name, but not Nigeria. So it is a blessing that this is one country that you have significant population of Muslims and Christians and this religious diversity will enhance our development because we can get across the whole world, wherever we go we are accepted. That helps us in so many ways.
“We are not even exploiting our diversity because of the myopic views about situations. Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters and we must live together, those who are predicting that this country will separate based on our frontlines as at the time of amalgamation, by 2015 they will know that these predictions will not be true.
“Today is a unique day, and I urge our Moslem brothers and sisters that they should continue to pray for peace not just in Nigeria but all over the world. If you watch television these days, more than 60 percent of the time is spent on showing crises all over the world and for the world to move ahead and for Nigeria to move ahead. For us to develop, first and foremost, there must be peace and security. Nobody will come and invest in an environment where you are not sure of the safety of your workers and investment.”

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