Wednesday 21 August 2013

Chinese Man Pays Fine In Coins — 18 Bank Workers Count Money Whole Day

China — Bank workers in Kunming, Yunnan province in Southwest China, spent eight hours counting 5,000 yuan (N131,017) in one jiao (0.1 yuan) coins thanks to a Chinese man who paid an assault fine with some serious spite. 

Last year, a woman with the surname Wu was eating at a noodle shop where she and her husband reportedly got into an altercation with the owner.
The argument turned physical, with Wu suffering a brain contusion and her husband leaving with three broken ribs.
A court awarded Wu damages. After paying her the bulk of the 68,000 yuan ($11,000, or N1,781,825) fine, the noodle restaurant owner gave the remaining 10,000 yuan ($1,600, or N262,033) in eight large bags of coins.
Wu deposited half of the change, which took 18 peeved bank workers all day. Though this means that Wu is still chilling with a few hundred thousand Naira in Chinese coins.

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