Thursday 15 August 2013

Cairo official death toll passes 500

Egypt says 525 people were killed on Wednesday when security forces stormed Islamist protest camps in Cairo after a stand-off lasting weeks.
Most of the victims died in the capital but there was violence around the country on the bloodiest day since the pro-democracy uprising two years ago.
The final toll is believed far higher as scores of bodies are not registered.
Supporters of President Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted last month, say more than 2,000 died.
The BBC's Khaled Ezzelarab has reported seeing at least 140 bodies wrapped in shrouds at the Eman mosque, close to the main protest camp at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square.
A state of emergency has been imposed by the interim government, which took power after the army removed Mr Morsi on 3 July.
The US and several other countries have condemned the Egyptian security forces' actions, which Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan described as a "very serious massacre".

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