Wednesday 24 July 2013

Van Persie's injury is not believed to be serious

Manchester United manager David Moyes has more than pre-season defeats to worry about as his star-striker Robin van Persie came off during their recent loss to Yokohama after picking up a thigh injury.
It hasn't been announced how bad the injury is, but after seeing the Dutchman holding his thigh and struggling to move fluently, Moyes decided to bring him off and will now await test results to find out how severe the injury is. Despite the injury to Van Persie, Moyes has received some good news in the form of Wayne Rooney recovering quicker than expected from his hamstring injury and he is expected to be fit in a couple of weeks, rather than a month, which was first thought. Talking in an interview after the pre-season defeat, Moyes confirmed that Van Persie had picked up a knock, and also revealed Danny Welbeck has a niggle as well. "We’ve got a couple of wee worries," Moyes told reporters. "Robin just felt his thigh in the first half and we didn’t want to take any chances. "Danny Welbeck also felt his groin when he went on and we’ve just got to make sure they’re all OK, especially with so many games coming up. "We’ve still got a few games to play before the season starts when we get back home. "As far as we know, Wayne is coming on. He’s started light jogging and the feedback I’m getting from the physios is that he’s progressing. Hopefully those dates are still on track." After talking about Rooney's fitness levels, Moyes was then asked about the striker's future and once again he remained adamant on keeping the 27-year-old. "We have said he is not for sale and our stance hasn’t changed."

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